To attempt to isolate and to define,
which is a basic method of scientific experimentation,
is to simplify, by elimination,
to disconnect,
to remove from its context.
It doesn’t matter
what it is that is isolated and defined,
the process, the method, the experiment,
is counter-evolutionary.
The method of isolation and definition is employed
in the pursuit of knowledge.
What is affected, as a yield,
is not knowledge,
but fragmentation, separation, isolation and alienation
of the experimental set
of substances and of forms.
We need to be asking different questions,
different kinds of questions.
Of what is this a part?,
not, what are its parts?
We do not know more
about the nature of water
by learning it is constituted
of two (2) atoms of hydrogen
and one (1) atom of oxygen.
Admittedly, we know how to break the water down
into its member atoms.
However, we do not understand:
water’s solvency,
water’s states,
water’s function, chemically,
water’s essential role, in life and in living processes.
We may learn the bonding angle of 104o 31’
between the hydrogen and the oxygen atoms.
We may learn of water’s dipole moment arm
(the distance over which its charge forces operate).
Water is truly a wonderous molecule
Water is an agent.
Water is a medium.
Water is a fluid, at room temperature and above.
However, this is not a discussion of water.
This is a discussion of counter-evolutionary forces.
These counter-evolutionary forces
are related to order and to disorder.
Order is a property
of aggregations
of associations
of affiliations and
of alliances.
How connected and how related
are the subjects or the objects
in a set?
What is the system gain
derived from the kinds and the degrees
of connectedness and relatedness?
Any time and every time
that we diminish
the connectedness and the relatedness
of the members of a set,
we yield some kind and some degree of disorder.
Any time and every time
that we increase
the connectedness and the relatedness
of the members of a set,
we yield some kind and some degree of order.
So, we need to see
that isolation, separation and alienation
are sources of disorder,
connectedness and relatedness is diminished.
On these pages,
in these paragraphs,
within these sentences,
words are combined.
The more connected and the more related
these combined words are,
the greater the meaning
and the greater the significance of the words.
We do not improve or increase
the meaning or the significance of the set of words
by knowing the number of pages,
the number of paragraphs,
or the number of sentences in a document.
A word count only provides an indication
of the kind and the amount of attention
that may be required to read the words.
The words might not be well related or well connected.
Most printed documents
do not use a line
to indicate a kind or a degree
of connectedness or of relatedness in a set of words.
Most printed documents
only use lines
to indicate an expiration of the amount of room
on the particular line.
The format of printing, herein,
attempts to improve
the meaning containing and the meaning conveying
functions of the document.
The writings and the publishing traits
of this author and this publisher
combine to improve
the eye tracking,
the comprehension and the retention
of the meaning contained herein.
This format is evolutionary.
The universe, the reality
have natural processes
that prompt evolution.
We are surrounded by relentless evolution.
We need to learn to admire it,
to appreciate it, to uphold it,
and to abstain from delaying it
or preventing it.
Can we, somehow,
diminish the counter-evolutionary forces
of disorder?
Can we increase the connectedness and the relatedness
of every thought, of every imaginative process
and of every act?
© 2011, ECOhealth / Eve Revere
Original: May 18th, 2011
Edit: May 18th, 2012
Eve REVERE – The YIN MIND: The Counter-evolutionary Forces of Disorder
May 14, 2012 by admin
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