The YIN MIND___________________________________________________________
We have many clichés and unthinking axioms,
which we deploy, when we are challenged,
with the deficiencies, the non-sequitor reasonings,
of science, as a superstition:
i.e. ‘seeing is believing’
‘I’m from Missouri’
translated as ‘observational sensing is a safe criteria for reality’.
We can not safely derive truth from reasoning.
We can not and should not trust words to be invariant
and still be adequate representations of the behaviour light,
for the nature of actions, for the character of events
or of states of being.
Words are markers,
markers which are poised and positioned,
to question the possible relationships,
or the possible paths of influence,
between those things that are marked with words.
Words do not and words can not – map reality well.
Symbolic logic is a quest for invariant certainty.
Symbols can not adequately “stand for” or represent
anything or anyone.
Signifiers can not accurately and or fully “point to”
or denote anything or anyone.
There is no objective reality.
For anything to be regarded as a particle –
requires a critical lapse of time, in the flow of energy.
This regard requires a cycle of motion or of movements,
a hesitation, a statistical arresting
of the flux and the flow of energy and of pattern.
We did not even have energy,
as a concept,
until the twentieth (20th) century.
The mathematics of Newton or of Liebnitz, calculus,
grants us covariant relationships,
a description of continuous change.
Heisenburg and Fermi
prevent physics from being enamored
with the concept of certainty and with the notion of reality.
Planck reminds us that energy is parceled,
in increments of energy,
per beat of frequency.
This creates harmonic interactions
called quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics is one energy parceling system,
with a vanishing point
called zero point energy.
Dark matter or dark energy, most of the matter and energy
in our known reality,
lies beyond the horizon of our perceptions.
There is no darkness. There is only blindness.
We know that light and that light-like emanations
are reflected, are absorbed, are transmitted and are refracted.
We seldom take a full inventory
of all of these patterns of interaction.
We have discovered that only
that only the speed of light squared (C2)
gives a good accounting
of the energy embodied in mass or in matter:
E (energy) = (has a value following relationship)
to m (mass or matter)
times C (the velocity of light) squared.
That is because there is the light
composing the structures of the charges
and the light composing the motion or the movement of the charges,
the orbitals.
So, we have the energy (E)
derived from the beat of frequency (),
the wave pulse in time,
times Planck’s constant (h).
E = h
Can we not see (with the mind’s eye)
other possible energy parceling systems and other harmonics?
In his book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule,
Dr. Rick Strassman, M.D.
describes the encounters of explorers and experimenters
with the adjacent realities
accessed through the use of DMT (dimethyl tryptamine).
Robert A. Monroe reports his out-of-body experiences
in three (3) books:
Journeys Out of The Body,
Far Journey, and
Ultimate Journey.
Monroe simply uses different audio tones or audio frequencies,
in each ear,
at an appropriate frequency range
and with an appropriate interval of difference.
Ingo Swann gives us remote viewing.
The mass per unit volume,
per unit space,
per unit time,
in this part of this galaxy,
gives us an energy pattern.
This is a pattern of light reflection,
light absorption,
light transmission
and light refraction.
This is an energy parceling system.
It is not the only energy parceling system.
It is not the most important or most significant
energy parceling system.
Reality is a much larger scheme.
So, with due humility,
about what we know
or what we can know,
let us reserve our knowledge claims
to kinds and to degrees of justifiable truth.
Titles (in books) are either knowledge claims
or aboutness indexes.
© 2011, ECOhealth / Eve Revere
EVE REVERE: The Interpreter’s Overlay to Decoding Scientific Certainty
May 2, 2012 by admin
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