A Celebration of Women™
is elated to Celebrate the Life of yet another Amazing Woman.She lives by the Voice in her head, that one saying: ” Be Yourself because Everbody Else is Taken.”
Charmaine Hammond
Beginning her career as a Correctional Officer in adult and young offender facilities she later pursued her interest in conflict management, obtaining a Masters Degree in Conflict Analysis & Management and was a Chartered Mediator for 10 years. She has managed several non-profit organizations, and spearheaded the development of three others, as well as having worked in many settings, including healthcare, government, and business serving youth and families.
As a Manager and Leader, she pursued her passion for leadership having been a successful business owner since 1997, owning two businesses in Fort McMurray, Alberta prior to relocating the business to Sherwood Park, Alberta. Charmaine has a solid background in leading courageous dialogue and helping teams bounce forward through change, conflict, challenge and adversity. Solving challenges, communicating for success, and strengthening relationships are the foundations of her business.
As an International Professional Speaker, Facilitator, author and Consultant, Charmaine helps businesses, organizations and teams bounce forward™, and reach their potential. A champion of community development, she has worked and volunteered in many partnerships and collaborations, this approach is so important to Charmaine that she facilitates learning events and consults on this topic.
Charmaine has been featured on CTV, CTSTV, radio and in many print media articles. Charmaine’s transformational Ready, Set, Grow approach helps individuals identify what gets in the way of success, and plant the seeds for growth, an inspired workplace and success.
Charmaine is a transformational speaker, facilitator and author.
Charmaine has a Master’s Degree in Conflict Analysis & Management, a BA in Social Development Studies and a diploma in Correctional Work. Her career began as a Correctional Officer to later managing Young Offender facilities in Ontario. Later specializing in dispute resolution, Charmaine was a mediator and educator in the field of dispute resolution. She spearheaded the development of several not for profit community organizations and a number of programs for communities and families. Specializing in organizational development, Charmaine has worked with many organizations and businesses to facilitate planning and visioning processes, identify the barriers to success and excellence and create programs to move beyond barriers.
As an international speaker and consultant, Charmaine has worked in five countries to date. She has co-authored a series of Ebooks for team and workplace effectiveness and has also independently authored several Ebooks and products related to professional and personal development.
Charmaine’s new book “On Toby’s Terms“, published by Bettie Youngs Books is available in bookstores everywhere, and is in development to become a motion picture with Impact Motion Pictures.
Charmaine is also co-author (with Debra Kasowski) of GPS Your Best Life: Taking You From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
Who better to lead courageous dialogues and training to inspire resilient teams than Charmaine Hammond?More than two decades of experience working with teams and in high conflict organizations/situations, she is an expert in helping move beyond conflict through courageous dialogue. Beginning her career as a Correctional Officer, she worked in adult and youth institutions, and later managed young offender facilities before moving to Alberta in 1991. As a Contract Negotiation Specialist for government, she was responsible for contract negotiations and monitoring in the northeast region of Alberta. She was a Chartered Mediator and Conflict Management Specialist for 10 years, mediating disputes, facilitating training and coaching new practitioners. Charmaine has a solid background in leading courageous dialogue and helping teams bounce forward through change, conflict, challenge and adversity. She has been a successful business owner since 1997, owning two businesses in Fort McMurray, Alberta prior to relocating the business to Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Charmaine has a Master’s Degree in Conflict Analysis & Management, a BA in Social Development Studies.
This puppy with a purpose needs your help today. Charmaine Hammond is a friend and client of mine. She also owns a very unusual dog. Toby, a Chesapeake Retriever, is a troublesome dog that makes Marley look like Mother Teresa! This furry friend was a hellion on 4 paws. The stories are incredible of what he did, and what he destroyed.
But Toby has a secret.
He has a gift.
A surprising gift, for a demolition dog like this guy.
Charmaine wrote a fantastic book about her and her husband Chris’ experiences with Toby. Not only is this book great… Hollywood sat up, took notice, and is making a movie of Toby’s life! Today though, we have something fun I would love you to take part in. Charmaine has lined up an incredible roster of partners for a big sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble today.
Have a look at everything you get with On Toby’s Terms… and read more about this furry friend. Charmaine, Chris and Toby travel around the continent giving speeches to children, to adults, and to corporate audiences. Toby has a great message to share, and if you love to read, especially about heartwarming stories like this, you MUST have a look at what Charmaine is doing today…
Identifying what gets in the way of success and building solutions, communicating for success and strengthening relationships are the foundations of Charmaine’s business. Professional Speaker, facilitator, and consultant Charmaine helps businesses, organizations and groups build tomorrow’s solutions today through education, innovation and motivation. Owner of Hammond International Inc. she helps teams and individuals reach and exceed their potential through personal and professional development. Having spoken in five countries to date, audiences find Charmaine to be a dynamic speaker who engages the audience and challenges participants to take bold and intentional actions, taking learnings to the next level. She weaves in humour, motivation and stories in her presentations and creates the opportunity for meaningful impacts and transformation.
Keynotes, Presentations, Seminars and Workshops
Charmaine’s interactive, inspiring and educational presentations are available as keynote speeches, half-day sessions, or full day workshops.
Charmaine’s presentations are carefully tailored to each group that she speaks to, the format can be changed to suit your group’s needs. Charmaine will design each program around your company’s needs, objectives, and culture. People who have enjoyed Charmaine’s presentations include companies seeking to strengthen their teams, organizations experiencing change and challenge, individuals seeking to advance their personal and professional communication and relationship skills.
“Simply a beautiful book about life, love and purpose.” —Jack Canfield, Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
“This is a heartwarming, funny and self-reflective journey about life, love, lessons—and living with passion and purpose.” —Janet Attwood, New York Times bestselling author, The Passion Test- The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose
“Authentically moving. You will be different after reading this book. Charmaine provides exquisite life lessons, shows you humility on steroids, and offers new perceptions on the illusion of control – all through the experience of a beloved dog. A pure joy to read.” Shawne Duperon, CEO ShawneTV, Six-time EMMY award winner
“I was so blessed to read Toby’s book on my trip to Mexico to visit my daughter and her sweet family. My husband brought in the mail right before we walked out the door and I was delighted to see your book in the pile. You are a beautiful writer and I cried so many different kinds of tears….gratitude, grief, relief, the list goes on. You can move the heart…be faithful with your gifts.” Julie Ziglar Norman
CHARMAINE with friends ….
Video Online Only
It has been said that business is 80% about the people! How much of your work day do you spend dealing with people issues, such as conflict resolution, miscommunication, improving morale, and managing relationship challenges? Communication, conflict resolution and collaboration are essential to team and business success.
If you are searching for a transformational keynote speaker, a trainer, an expert in leadership, building healthy teams and solving people issues, you need look no further. Charmaine works with businesses, leaders and teams to overcome the hurdles to success, and build the team that bounces forward during difficult times.
Charmaine will work with your company, leaders and teams to:
•identify what gets in the way of success
•bounce forward™ to build inspired and resilient teams
•help teams have the conversations that matter most, and are mostly avoided
•and solve the “people issues” that stand in the way of getting to results.
Charmaine shares of her business in helping YOU Build the Team of Your Dreams.Video Online Only
Charmaine Hammond graduated in 1985 from the Correctional Worker Program. After a ten year career in corrections, working with both adults and young offenders, she followed her passion for conflict management and attained a Master’s Degree in Conflict Analysis & Management from Royal Roads University. She has had her own business since 1991. Now as an international transformational speaker and best-selling author, she travels the world speaking about resilience, courageous dialogue and leadership. Her best selling book On Toby’s Terms (Bettie Youngs Book Publishers, Sept 2010) is in development to become a major motion picture and will be in theatres near you soon! Her newest book Toby The Pet Therapy Dog and His Hospital Friends (Bettie Youngs Book Publishers) will be released this summer. *BOOK SIGNING EVENTS, Ontario in June 2011.
* CHARMAINE was Chosen as a Business Hero and one of Edmonton’s 27 Influencers.
* Toby her dog is the recipient of the Chimo Reese Award.
* A Celebration of Women TV will be taping Charmaine LIVE on June 28, 2011 with our Spokeswoman, WENDY LADD.*** Keep your eyes open that night, ThatChannel.com.
HERE WE ARE …. !!!!
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Charmaine Hammond
April 20, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: WOMEN of ACTION™ Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, author, Bettie Youngs Book Publishers, BOOK, CEO ShawneTV, Charmaine Hammond, Chimo Reese Award, Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, communication, Conflict Analysis & Management, conflict resolution, courageous dialogue, CTV, Edmonton's 27 Influencers, film production, films, husband Chris’, Jack Canfield, Janet Attwood, Julie Ziglar Norman, Keynotes, leadership, Masters Degree, movies, Mr. Steve Podborski, New York Times bestselling author, On Toby's Terms, Presentations, RBC, RBC Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, resilience, Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Roads University, seminars, Shawne Duperon, strengthening relationships, Toby The Pet Therapy Dog, WOMAN of ACTON, women taking action, women., WORKSHOPS, YOU Build the Team of Your Dreams, “people issues”