National Autism Awareness Month
April is National Autism Awareness Month. Autism, known more precisely as the autism spectrum disorders (ASD’s), represents a broad group of developmental disorders characterized by impaired social interactions, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors, or severely limited activities and interests. During this time it is important to reflect on this urgent public health challenge and rededicate ourselves to addressing the complex needs of people with autism and their families.
Autism was first identified in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins Hospital. At the same time, a German scientist, Dr. Hans Asperger, described a milder form of the disorder that is now known as Asperger Syndrome. These two disorders are listed in the DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) as two of the five developmental disorders that fall under the Autism Spectrum Disorders. The others are Rett Syndrome, PDD NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder), and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. All of these disorders are characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication skills and social abilities, and also by repetitive behaviors.
In order to highlight the growing need for concern and awareness about autism, the Autism Society has been celebrating National Autism Awareness Month since the 1970s. The United States recognizes April as a special opportunity for everyone to educate the public about autism and issues within the autism community.
Join the Autism Society in getting involved with the autism community this April.
Put on the Puzzle! The Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon is the most recognized symbol of the autism community in the world. Autism prevalence is now one in every 88 children in America. Show your support for people with autism by wearing the Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon – as a pin on your shirt, a magnet on your car, a badge on your blog, or even your Facebook profile picture – and educate folks on the potential of people with autism! To learn more about the Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon visit
To purchase the Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon for your shirt, car, locker or refrigerator, click here.
Make a difference. Contact your representatives on the state and federal level and ask them to “Vote 4 Autism.” For more information about this legislation and to take action to support it, visit
Connect with your neighborhood. Many Autism Society local chapters hold special events in their communities throughout the month of April. But if you can’t find an event that suits you just right, create your own! 1Power4Autism is an online tool that makes it easy to mobilize friends and family and help make a difference.
Watch a movie.
These are just a few images of our two magical “AUTastic” children. As of today, they are 8 and 11. They are the greatest blessings a parent could ask for. I hope that you enjoy how our babies make life such a “Wonderful World”. Peace and Smiles, Taryn
APRIL is National Autism Awareness Month !!!
April 1, 2012 by