All knowing, all knowledge,
constitutes a gradient of aboutness.
In every kind and in every degree of knowing,
there are some characteristics, some properties,
some details, we ignore, we neglect,
we fail to take into account.
Our nouns, our names for things, do not invoke
the same references
in any two users of these terms.
What do we communicate?
What can we communicate?
All knowing, all knowledge,
is partial and is incomplete.
Representational knowing is particularly
remote, intermittent, and fragmentary.
We claim to know.
We believe we know.
But all that knowing is –
is a processing of energy
and of pattern.
We make some connections.
We find some relationships.
Scale, geometry and symmetry
with number, with sequence,
with rate, with intricacy,
with harmony, with resolution and with dynamics.
Existence is the processing of pattern
and of energy.
Kinds and degrees
of separation,
of isolation, of alienation or of closure,
take energy in order to be apart.
There is a system gain,
a release of energy,
the creation of a pattern of relationship
that accompanies harmonic combinations.
Energy flows within and between:
subsystems, components of membership
of a harmonic, dynamic, composition,
and create metafunctional responses
to environmental events or to conditions.
There is a relentless unfolding
of transformation, of evolution, of design,
that can be called the TAO.
Openness, connectedness, and relatedness
are ideals that guide and that optimize,
or that idealize the progress, the growth,
the advancement of every species.
Letting things be and become,
helping things be more and become more
is a prime directive.
Live and make alive:nurture, support, uphold, bless,
love, cherish, treasure,
all entities and all processes.
Each entity and each process
is an exploration of being.
Be a skilful giver.
Direct your attention,
your concern, your compassion and your care
to those who will and who can use it,
to evolve, to relate, to connect and to combine.
Do not contribute to the delinquency
of those who constantly seek
to delay consequences,
to accumulate reserves,
to attempt to furnish
an alienated, isolated and separated, self.
Do not shield such a one
from the consequences
of misspent choices.
They need the feedback of those consequences.
Meaning and Significance
What is meaning?
What is significance?
To emulate, to simulate, to model . . .
How do we adequately represent
or “stand for” anything?
How do we appropriately denote
or “point to” anything?
Do we need brevity, conciseness
and / or portability?
Do we need high resolution or accuracy,
some kind of precision?
These specifications give us the parameters
of the alloys of meaning and of significance.
Any and every given symbol
will be some alloy
of those two properties.
figure 1. Abstraction Nomer Alloy
We see kinds of precision.
We use invariance as a simplification.
We gain simplification
by means of elimination,
sometimes quite arbitrary elimination.
We seek explicitness!
We seek proof!
We seek truth!
But these pursuits of explicitness, proof or truth
are insufficiently informed
particularly regarding epistemology:
how we know,
what we know,
if we can claim to know,
anything or everything.
Symbolic logic and mathematics
are thought to be
the ideal, of both representation
and of denotation.
What things are,
as patterns of energy,
is continuously changing.
We can only use derivatives,
instantaneous snap shots,
in a stream of transformational eventfulness,
in our representational symbols
or in our denotational symbols.
The abridgement of reality,
the coarse designation,
the partial and incomplete,
processes of cognition
allow us to navigate and to pilot
our lives.
The least acknowledgement
of this truth
requires humility.
© 2010, ECOhealth / Eve RevereOrig. November 23rd, 2010Edit: November 23rd, 2010My Archived Writings @ YMLP (up to Nov. ’10)My Archived Writings @ Google Docs (continuously updated)
EVE REVERE: The YIN MIND – ‘To Know or To Fail To Know’
March 14, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, WOMEN BLOGGERS Tagged With: abridgement, consequences, denotation, energy, epistemology, Eve Revere, evolution, geometry, know, knowledge, pattern, reality, representation, symbolic logic, Tao