Help malnourished children in Haiti today, and maximize your 2011 tax deduction. The generous donations you’re making are transforming lives every day, and we can’t thank you enough. Many children and families are living healthier and happier lives because of your ongoing support. That’s why we know we can rely on you when children need you the most.
And now is one of those times.
Next month marks two years since the massive 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Plan has worked in Haiti since 1973, and remained in the country after the disaster, building schools, treating illness and preventing the spread of deadly disease. But despite the progress we’ve enabled, the reality is that thousands upon thousands of people are still suffering today — particularly from malnutrition, a chronic issue due to widespread poverty, overpopulation, lack of access to food, and ongoing political and economic instability.
It’s because of this harsh reality that Plan is stepping up and broadening the scope of our work to help give children and their families access to the nutritious food they are lacking. And we’re doing it by building school kitchens, providing gardening knowledge and supplies, and training community health workers on how to recognize and treat the symptoms of malnutrition.
But we can’t do it without your support. Please help us reach more of Haiti’s children today and your dollars will be matched 3 to 1, thanks to our generous partners. In other words, three times your donation will be added on to your original gift. So your donation of $50 will automatically turn into $200 and work four times harder.
Plus, by making a donation before December 31, you will maximize the value of your 2011 tax receipt. So make the decision to help thousands of malnourished children in Haiti. Please give what you can today.
Call us at 1 800-387-1418 or click here to make a donation now.
With our deepest thanks,
The Plan Canada Team
P.S., Don’t wait. Help us improve the nutrition of children in Haiti before December 31 to maximize your 2011 tax receipt and to benefit from having your gift matched for even more value!
In the event that donations exceed what is required, funds will be used to support similar activities for other children in need. Donations are tax deductible and your receipts will be automatically issued in February for cumulative donations greater than $25.
Founded in 1937, Plan International is one of the world’s oldest and largest charities working to end global poverty. Inclusive of all faiths and cultures, Plan has only one purpose: to improve the lives of children.
Charitable Registration Number: 11892 8993 RR0001
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Maximize your 2011 tax deduction before December 31
December 29, 2011 by