Identify Limiting Beliefs and Money Blocks Spread
This spread is designed to help you to get to the bottom of limiting beliefs and blockages about money. I would strongly suggest that you really give yourself the time to work through each question and allow the answers to bubble to the surface from your Intuition. Parts of your unconscious mind will probably try to stop you from answering these questions because those are the parts that want you to stay where you are.
Make sure you are relaxed before you start. I would suggest that you have pen and paper with you as you do this and plenty of water for hydration.
As thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs come up acknowledge them, than your subconscious for releasing them into your conscious awareness and write them down.
You may want to have your favourite energy clearing tools on hand to release things that come up.
Be brave and courageous. Once things come to the surface, you can feel through them and really experience the energy of them and then you have the choice of keeping them or lovingly releasing them to the Universe.
You want to ask your angels, guides and the Higher Powers of the Universe to be with you to help you or a friend.
If you find that things come up that are too painful and difficult for you to deal with on your own, then please stop the process and seek appropriate professional help.
This reading is based on my own personal experiences and I have to give you a whole raft of disclaimers about whether or not it will work for you and what results you may or may not get. Use your own judgement and discretion before you do this reading and process.
Amanda Goldston
29 Victoria Road, Tamworth, B79 7HU, United Kingdom
Tel: + 44(0) 1827 52995 Email Me
Identify Limiting Beliefs and Money Blocks Spread, Amanda Goldston
November 6, 2011 by Team Celebration
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