A New Message From VERONICA
The Results May Amaze You!
“In the current moment of this particular time-frame it is most easy to step into despairing thoughts. Reality has a way of coming after your well being when it is allowed to run rampant without control.In bad times it is important to retain the validity of your own thoughts. Clearly, the impact of others participating in negative processes can lead the most powerful energies to slip upon the slope of the mountain they wish to climb.Linear reality is based upon a give and take of energy. Being clear with your own thoughts is somewhat easier than exchanging thoughts and energies with others.It is important to be completely comfortable with your energy. This will lead to a better creation during co-creating and mass consciousness creations.Do not allow others to diminish what you know to be your truth within yourself. Stand strong with what you know is a product of your own energy.Giving and taking the essence of that energy is what the physical experience is all about for you. It is your journey.Your particular energy pattern is contributing to the mass consciousness of the complete reality… and it does make a difference.Remembering who you are should be followed by being who you are in physical reality.It is possible.The results of “being who you are” in this reality may amaze you.”
VERONICA – Spiritual Messages, The Results May Amaze You!
September 13, 2011 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: VERONICA - INNER WHISPERS Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, April Crawford, being who you are, current moment, Linear reality, mass consciousness, negative processes, physical experience, spiritual, spiritual messages, The Results May Amaze You!, truth within yourself, Veronica, women.
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