A Celebration of Women is elated to spread the news … !!!
… for all the Women of our World that cannot attend the Event in Toronto, Canada on June 23rd with Marsh Engle’s Amazing Women, YOU have another Amazing Opportunity to network and Get Your Message Out in a Massive Way, this coming July 8-9, 2011 in MONTREAL, CANADA
Amazing Women!
Join Me in Beautiful
Montreal, Quebec, Canada on July 8-9th!
You’re Inspired. You’re On A Mission. You’re Filled with Passion!
And, You KNOW You Are Here To Make A Difference!
It’s time to Get Your Message Out in a Massive Way!
That is exactly why I am inviting you to join me on July 8-9th for The Feminine Entrepreneur Experience™ in Montreal, Quebec, Canada ― a program that blends global travel, success coaching and networking ― all in one!
- You will gain the knowledge and the power you need to reach millions with your talents and your message. Be one of 25 women to take part in an exclusive one-day coaching program where I will personally guide you into laser-sharp focus, reveal ways to propel your business and uncover untapped resources to expand your success immediately.
- Let go of a sense of overwhelm and confusion forever! I’ll take you through my trademark step-by-step process to reveal the real power of your brand presence, ways to unleash your natural charisma and design a solid plan of inspired action to make money from doing what you absolutely love!
Plus ….
You are invited to be my VIP Guest at The Feminine Success Networking Event where you will connect with other dynamic entrepreneurs who – just like you – want to stay 100% authentic, make money from their business and genuinely make a difference.Now more than ever before it’s vital that you leverage your unique knowledge and experience! I want to help you expand your professional profile, build your business and take your great work global!The Feminine Entrepreneur Experience™ on July 8-9th in Montreal, Quebec, Canada gives you 3 dynamic career advancing, success building opportunities:
1.Establish yourself in a global market. Build your own success network by connecting deeply with a gathering of women who are committed to making a difference in the world.
2.Work personally with Marsh Engle to craft a focus of action that embodies the power of your unique brand presence!
3.Master your relationship with money and fulfillment of your purpose! Learn feminine principles of success that allow you to gain crystal clear clarity for your business and your life.
The Feminine Entrepreneur Experience™
Gives You REAL Ways to Create Global Success
and Expand Your Brand Presence!
•You will feel a new flow of enthusiasm and inspiration about your work, your business, your purpose, AND your life.
•You will find yourself surrounded by a dynamic global community of feminine entrepreneurs who see you and support you and your highest vision of success!
•You will feel more ready than EVER to live your purpose and build your business from a deeply authentic place of service and feminine success consciousness.
•Your wealth awareness, your confidence and your ability to know the worth of your products and service will instantly expand.
•You will learn EXACTLY how to achieve Pure Balance™ and optimize well-being as a successful feminine entrepreneur and transformational business leader.Your Feminine Entrepreneur Experience™
International Program Begins
on July 8th in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Yes, Marsh! Count me in!
I understand I’m going to be one of 25 women to take part in an exclusive one-day coaching program where you will personally guide me into laser-sharp focus, reveal ways to propel my business and uncover untapped resources to expand my success immediately.You will accomplish:
Design an inspired plan of action based in dynamic feminine principles of success that will completely support your highest vision, unique brand presence and flow of optimized opportunities. Expand your platform. Make deep connections with other feminine entrepreneurs who are making a difference and share your message in a global marketplace. Fully embody of your brand. Align your clarity, your focus and your action. Plus, gain access my personal rolodex of resources so you can immediately grow your mailing list, produce your product and design your marketing materials.Bonus specialized coaching after you return home:You will receive an additional 60 Minute Bonus Group Coaching Call where I will answer any question that is on your mind about how to grow your community, build your mailing list or create promotion and higher visibility for your work. This call is your chance to get the info you need now!Your Feminine Entrepreneur Experience™
Coaching Session with personalized attention and loads of support for a total investment of only $697.00.
~~~ $297 when you register by June 28th! ~~~
If you’re seriously interested in this program and have some questions, please email me at Marsh@MarshEngle.com or call our office at (951) 262-1098.
* Amazing Women’s Day and
A Celebration of Women
have absolutely NO AFFILIATION with the above T-shirts, have entered for FUN, so that all the Women of our World that JOIN Marsh Engle in MONTREAL, ( Yeah!!!) can wear the I LOVE MONTREAL. The Founder and CEO of A Celebration of Women was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, CANADA.
Marsh Engle, The Feminine Entrepreneur – JULY 8/9 in Montreal!
June 17, 2011 by admin
Filed Under: WOMEN Taking ACTION Tagged With: 2011 in Montreal, A Celebration of Women, authentic place of service, CANADA, Expand Your Brand Presence, feminine principles of success, feminine success, Get Your Message Out in a Massive Way, global travel, JULY 8-9, mailing list, MARSH ENGLE, Montreal, natural charisma, networking, Old Montreal, Quebec, success, The AMAZING WOMAN LIVE, The Feminine Entrepreneur Experience™, The Feminine Success Networking Event, Vieux Montreale, Woman of Action, women networking, women's networking event