Reiki Level One Workshop – Energy Healing Theory and Practice
If you want to become Reiki practitioner and an energy healer
If you feel like you want to assist in planetary changes
If you were always dreaming about helping people
If your path changed tremendously recently
If you are sensitive to other people’s emotions
If you feel like growing beyond what you know
If you feel like you are missing your calling
If you are committed to personal growth and helping others grow
The energies are moving fast lately and we are on the verge of major consciousness shift. We need more people involved with raising Earth energies to move beyond old paradigm and embrace new paradigm of One-ness.Reiki is an ancient form of healing by laying on hands. Before humans were send to live on Earth Reiki was incorporated into the genetic coding and was lost when civilization began. First signs of Reiki Masters can be traced to esoteric teachings of India and Tibet. Reiki is reaching more and more people since 1800’s. It is as old as an instinct of laying hands on the body to relieve pain and bring comfort. Many people quite do not understand why they do what they do especially while dealing with children. In many tradition Reiki as a life force energy is called different names Chi, Ki, Prana and is present in every spiritual tradition on Earth. Some refer to it as a connection to God or Goddess. One thing for sure there is only one energy and we can tap into it at any time.
Reiki is an effective healing method.
Reiki can be used for many ailments like reducing stress, relieving pain, headaches, stomach upsets, back problems, asthma – respiratory problems, PMT, menstrual problems, sinus, anxiety and many more.
It also:
* Promotes natural self-healing
* Balances the energies in the body
* Balances the organs and glands
* Strengthens the immune system
* Treats symptoms and causes of illness
* Relieves pain
* Clears toxins
* Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
* Enhances personal awareness
* Relaxes and reduces stress
* Promotes creativity
* Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
* Aids meditation and positive thinking
* Heals holisticallyDuring first level Reiki healer’s channels are opened and cleared from obstruction by attunment done by another Reiki Master by using specific symbols. Reiki attunment connects the receiver to limitless source. Upon receiving the first attunment in Reiki I, the receiver becomes a channel for this universal healing energy. In the first minutes of the attunment process, the receiver of Reiki energy is given a gift that forever changes her life in every positive way. This initiation process is what sets Reiki apart from every other form of laying on hands or touch healing.The attunments is not a healing session, it created the healer.
In Reiki I, the student receives 4 attunment from Traditional Reiki Master and additional attunments at level II and III. Each degree enhances the positive power of your ability to channel Ki energy. During attunments some students perceive colors, others see pictures, some experience past lives, some are filled with light and total peace and love. From this point on the person who received the attunment is a Reiki practitioner, with abilities opened in her that she did not know were there. Reiki is divided into 3-4 degrees. In Reiki I, the attunment itself heals physical level dis-eases in the person who receives it. Her physical health often improves in the months following initiation. The Reiki I healer can also do healing for someone who is physically present including pets. It takes 3-4 weeks to adjust to the Reiki I attunment. After receiving first level of Reiki it is important to do as many healing sessions as possible for the first month including daily self-healing sessions.Time
Saturday, June 11 · 10:00am – 5:00pm
Global Awakening InstitutePlease feel free to contact me if you have any questions.Let the journey of healing and insight begin.With love,Monika BurwiseFounder and President of Global Awakening Institute
Reiki Master/Psychotherapist
Writer/SpeakerCopyright 2022 @ A Celebration of Women™ The World Hub for Women Leaders That Care
MONIKA is Taking Action – Reiki Workshop !
June 10, 2011 by