Growing Core Contributions to UN Women
India and Nigeria have joined a growing list of countries pledging significant contributions to UN Women, the newly established UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. India pledged and paid US$1 million to UN Women core funds in 2011, a leap from its contribution of US$20,000 in 2010. The Federal Executive Council of Nigeria approved US$500,000 for UN Women core funding.
“India’s contribution demonstrates its firm support to the promotion of UN efforts in the field of gender equality and the empowerment of women,” said the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in a statement.
“With this contribution, Nigeria stands by UN Women in the belief that it could do a lot for the Nigerian — and African — woman and girl,” said H.E. Ambassador U. Joy Ogwu, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations.
India and Nigeria are part of a growing number of developing countries contributing to UN Women. Out of the 82 pledges made to the organization’s core funds as of 15 May 2011, 55 come from countries not part of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and its Development Assistance Committee (DAC) — a set of countries committed to stimulate economic progress.
“We very much welcome these contributions”, said Ms. Michelle Bachelet, UN Women Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director. “They are an expression of the commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment and an encouraging show of support and vote of confidence for our newly established organization founded to make a difference for women and girls worldwide.”
Efforts to increase the number of contributing countries, including non-OECD/DAC countries, and the amounts that are pledged, are part of the UN Women 150/250 campaign, aiming to reach US$250 million in core contributions from 150 countries in 2011. The overall budget target of UN Women for this year is US$500 million.
Major donors so far include, for example, Canada, which increased its financial support eightfold, pledging US$10 million to core. Australia’s core contribution rose from US$3 million to $US7.5 million. Denmark and Netherlands doubled their contributions. The largest percentage jump came from the Republic of Korea, which increased its core contribution to UN Women from US$30,000 to US$3 million in 2011.
For the latest list of contributions to the UN Women core budget, visit: http://www.unwomen.org/partnerships/?show=Donors
UN Women – Growing Core Contributions
May 20, 2011 by