Psychotherapist, Writer, Transformational Coach, Speaker, Spiritual Director My husband and I are founders, President and the CEO of The Global Awakening Inst…See More
■ Living Inside Out – Weekend Intensive
■ Language Of Love – Weekend Intensive
■ Public Speaking
■ VIP Intensive Programs
■ Private Sessions
■ Art Of Public Speaking – How to be a Great Leader – Workshop
■ Intuitive Consultations
■ Reiki Master-Healing Arts Practitioner & Teacher
■ Corporate Training – Superengagement and Partnership
■ Demartini collapse Process
■ Trauma & Addictions Counselling
■ Psychoterapy Sessions for Individuals & Families
Cost per couple – $400
Sat 28 May ( 9:30am – 5:00pm )Sun 29 May ( 9:30am – 5:00pm )
Venue: Penthouse Function Room – 2727 Young Street
Contact Tel : 647 717-7638 / 416 203-7638
Email :
This workshop contains a body of wisdom collected from our own personal experience, spiritual and universal laws & principles, quantum physics and the new sciences, the study of consciousness, the dynamics of human behaviour, ancient& modern philosophy and a profound new understanding of love which will change the way you see your relationship, your life and the world we live in.Both couples and singles will gain valuable wisdom and new insight into the magic of intimate relationships. Access your power to transform your intimate relationship. Learn how to get the love you deserve and create a successful, fulfilling partnership.Couples:
Discover the secrets of successful, fulfilling relationships
Discover the true purpose and hidden perfection in your intimate relationships
Understand the underlying dynamics at work in your relationship to propel your growthUnderstanding the role of our motivational values in relationships
Improve/enhance the communication in any relationship
Release resentments, issues and emotional baggage associated with your partner/relationship.Bring love, harmony and mutual respect back to a failing relationship
Identify and overcome any myths, fantasies and illusions which are obstructing the development of your relationship
Learn how to attract your ideal partner
Find out what is blocking the love you desire in your life
No matter what the nature of your relationship, your partnership will always be a mixture of pleasant and not so pleasant experiences. Having unrealistic ideals on how we expect people to behave can result in tension, resentment and frustration in our relationships.
Graham & Monika will show you how to get beyond relationship fantasies so you can see and appreciate your relationships in their true light. This workshop will allow you to access unconditional love and give you the power to transform ANY relationship.
The Language of Love Workshop: May 28-29th in Toronto!
May 23, 2011 by