WE: Women Entrepreneurs, women supporting women

WE Women Entrepreneurs
News and EventsInformation that just couldn’t wait until the next newsletter!
San Martino Treats: Healthy Baked Desserts

Hello Everyone:

San Treats is the brand I’ve created for my delicious and healthy baked desserts, which will be available for the first time at Zito’s Marketplace. I have also created a couple of gluten-free cookies. There will be free samples, espresso, giveaways and much more!
Date: Saturday February 19th, 2011
Time: 11:00 – 2:00 PM
Place: Zito’s Marketplace
210 Marlee Avenue
Toronto, ON
Please RSVP to sanmartinotreats@bell.net.


I look forward to seeing you there!

Vanda Orsini




One Urban Mama : A Mom and Baby ShowHello Everyone:

WE Women Entrepreneurs Inc. has arranged for YOU to be part of this show! WE has reserved a number of table / exhibit areas, with each area to be shared by 3 WE members or associates. The cost of a table to be shared by any 3 exhibitors from WE Women Entrepreneurs Inc. is $325.00 so the per exhibitor cost will be only $108.33 each.

If any of you, WE members or associates, wish to book a single table [cost: $250.00] for yourselves, please contact: info@oneurbanmama.com for detailed information. Don’t forget to mention that you learned about the show from WE Women Entrepreneurs Inc.

For more information on the One Urban Mama show, go to: www.oneurbanmama.com


This looks like it will be a fabulous show and a wonderful opportunity to showcase your services or products.

Deadline: Registration extended to February 28, 2011.

Please contact Michaele-Sue at: msg@lifemilestones.com if you wish to take advantage of this opportunity so she can coordinate the WE Womens Entrepreneurs tables. OR, you can also contact: info@oneurbanmama.com with a cc to: msg@lifemilestones.com

Date: Friday, April 8, 2011
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Place: Angus Glen Golf Club

10080 Kennedy Rd, Markham, ON


Markham, ON Friday, April 8, 2011

Attn: WE Women Entrepreneurs Members and Guests!




Contact Us
WE Women Entrepreneurs Inc.
Our next WE Women Entrepreneurs Toronto Chapter meetings are Wednesday, March 16 and Tuesday, April 12, 2011.
Find us on Facebook




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