As I was preparing this morning for our last day of the ABCs of Abundance Winter Healing 2011 Event, I chatted with my angels asking them, “So what’s the surprise for today? What is the gift you’d like me to share?”Glancing over an inbox full of emails about love, relationships, Valentine’s Day messages, and one summoning a belly laugh – “Dead People Are Better Lovers” – I deliberated whether to send you an email at all. So much of what’s important to remember about the celebration of Love has already been said.Then my muse came forward with the recollection of a student’s words in a reading circle yesterday.She said something like this…“We’re all soul mates on our spiritual journey.”
So simple and yet it struck those of us on the call to the core. The essence of her wisdom was that through the bond of aligning ourselves in love, compassion and a common purpose, while we may have never met in person, we are indeed soul mates.And so with that, I would like to expand the definition of soul mate…Soul Mates, Redefined
The soul mate relationship is the most powerful of them all, for soul mates have contracted to teach, to learn, to share the path of life’s journey with one another, at least certain aspects of it.With our sights set high and vision held on our divine destiny, soul mates help us to extend to greater heights and steer away from lower lows.
While often irrational and not always easy, soul mate relationships caste the light on where growth awaits us.
Cloaked as a lover, friend, perceived enemy or sibling, our soul mates bring us closer to our experience of God.Today I bow to you my soul mates and honor this journey that we share together.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Rev. Nina Roe – Soulmates Redefined
February 14, 2011 by