DAWN TEVY is Taking Action!



Dawn Tevy is Taking Action!



Neale Donald Walsch featured one of Bills amazing stories in his book ‘Moments of Grace’.

It was at Neale’s urging that Bill went on to write and publish ‘Miracles Made Possible’.


‘Miracles Made Possible’  

Meet William Tucker, author of this amazing book  

8 February 2011  

 Angels & Warriors Radio

 @ 6pm PST.

on www.blogtalkradio/angelsandwarriors.

Be sure to call in with your questions and comments: 1 949-534-0604

For exerts from this exceptional book and to purchase an autographed/personalized copy of your own visit www.miraclesbook.com.



At a young age, William Thomas Tucker witnessed a drunk driver run down a young playmate. Not understanding how an all-loving God could allow such unfair cruelty, Tucker lost his faith and elected to become an atheist.

Over the ensuing three decades, Tucker built a successful business and family life without, he presumed, God’s help. Then his world turned upside-down as he lost not only his wife, but his business career and personal fortune–and almost lost his children to social services.

In his pain and frustration, he turned to what he perceived to be an uncaring and unloving God and demanded an explanation. Thus began a 20 year experience of asking for and receiving miracles in his life for himself, his family, and his friends.

Miracles Made Possible shares not only the amazing stories of how these miracles came to pass but also the techniques Tucker Used in asking God to perform them. He shares the three step process he has followed countless time to obtain miracles both great and small just when he needed them most. Tucker insists that it does not take a saint to receive miracles, just some one with the courage to ask for and the faith to believe in extraordinary outcomes.


For exerpts from this exceptional book and to purchase an autographed/personalized copy of your own visit: 



“Miracles Made Possible” – by Commander William Thomas Tucker


A book that explains how anyone can get any miracle they want by a specific deadline.


Take Action with DAWN this February! 



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