~~ Courtney’s Story ~~
2nd Anniversary of her Death.
Today is the 2nd anniversary of Courtney’s death and as I expected I felt drawn to ride out the night until 8:18 a m this morning sitting by her bed as I did two years ago today. The only difference today was, I wasn’t holding her hand, but her heart in mine.
It was hard to send the kids off to school today, but Courtney would not have had it any other way. I pray somehow the powers above will allow all of this to come together and her story can be told and shared with the world.
” If it’s meant to be, it ill happen… ” says Todd Hewitt, as he works diligently to make the life of his daughter hold a meaning, one that would save lives globally. Team Celebration is with you, and all our friends will hold the flame for you, Todd.
Courtney’s Story: https://851.5b0.myftpupload.com/?p=16540
What is PML?: https://851.5b0.myftpupload.com/?p=21085
A Celebration of Women
sends our blessings to Courtney’s Family .
Courtney’s Memory lives on…!!!