We kick off the month of September with a triple whammy of fast-thinking, extremely focused and highly restless cosmos energy as the Sun in chatty, sharp-witted Virgo is conjunct with its own ruler-Mercury on September 3.
Virgo has a reputation for being nitpicky and critical, however, it is always right on the money. Mercury can be mischievous, but can also be coolly to the point. Since Virgo is an Earth sign, we are lucky that this energy will be more focused on practical matters rather than emotional ones.
Everyone will be on mental alert so ideas will be pouring in from all directions. Stress levels may be high since our list of to-dos may be staring us in the face, or we might spend time reflecting on past actions. Use this energy constructively — treat criticism as healthy advice that might be useful in the long run. This might also be exactly the right time to review plans that might be vague or too hopeful and use the strong Virgo energy to give those ideas that are actionable, form and structure to get them grounded, and discard those with no merit. It is also important to be sensitive to other’s feelings and not inadvertently hurt them.
The time is ripe for romantic daydreams, blissful encounters, and overall a softer, kinder atmosphere. This is an excellent time to patch up damaged relationships. However, be on the lookout since Neptune can be illusory, there is a risk that we might believe what we want to believe, and then face disappointment later. Stay spiritual, open-hearted and realistic and this could be a wonderful time. Neptune’s greatest strengths are compassion, unconditional love and acceptance. It smoothes round the rough edges and air brushes out faults.
And least we not forget, Venus and Saturn both located in Libra demand that we pay attention to our relationships and always stay on the positive side — spreading harmony and love — and steer away from anything unpleasant.
However, by the next day — September 4, as the US celebrates the long-awaited Labor Day weekend, the mood will switch dramatically as a silky-smooth Venus-Neptune trine gets Saturday off to a dreamy start.