WORLD REPORT 2010 – (Buea) Cameroon

Buea (French: Buéa) is the capital

–  Southwest Province of Cameroon.

The town is located on the eastern slopes of Mount Cameroon and has a population of 57000. Buea was the colonial capital of the German Kamerun from 1901 to 1919 and the capital of the Southern Cameroons from 1949 until 1961. The German colonial administration in Buea was temporarily suspended during the eruption of Mount Cameroon from 28 April – June 1909.

The Residence of von Puttkamer

Tea growing is an important local industry, especially in Tole.

CAMEROON TODAY:  There are mounting threats and insecurity in Cameroon ahead of the 2011 presidential elections. President Paul Biya, already in power for more than 27 years, modified the constitution in 2008 to enable him stand re-election.

The city hosts the University of Buea, the only Anglophone university of Cameroon. The city still has a handful of colonial era buildings, notably the palatial former residence of the German governor, Jesko von Puttkamer. Other German colonial buildings are still standing, but some of them suffer from lack of maintenance and old age. About 150,000 people live in Buea (including Muea; Tole; Miles 17, 16, 15, 14; Bova; and surrounding villages).

It also hosts the Nigerian Consulate in anglophone Cameroon.

Originally, Buea’s population consisted mainly of the Bakweri people. However, due to its position as a university town and the provincial capital, there are a significant number of other ethnic groups.

Because of its location at the foot of Mount Cameroon, the climate in Buea tends to be humid, with the neighbourhoods at higher elevations enjoying cooler temperatures while the lower neighbourhoods experience a hotter climate. Extended periods of rainfall, characterized by incessant drizzle, which can last for weeks, are common during the rainy season as are damp fogs, rolling off the mountain into the town below.



Women For A Change (WFAC)

Buea Weekly Activism for 

World Health Day 2010


 April 5, 2010 – April 9, 2010





The Workshop will be accompany by a series of activities coordinated and organized by WFAC Buea to commemorate this years 2010 World Health Day.

WFAC Buea is to partake in the campaign “1000 cities – 1000 lives” by foot or other means of possible movement and not by Motor, Bicycle etc since we don’t owned any. The Human Investment is aimed to sensitize the students, youths of UB about Good health through clean environment, as the theme for this year’s …

World Health Day

 ” Urbanization and Health”.

Solidarity Visit:

“We wish to develop a culture of sharing, caring among people irrespective of our status.”


1) i) Date/Days : Monday 5/4/ 2010

Activities : Human Investment Responsible Officers : – WFAC Buea Volunteers – Biomedical Science Ass – Health Club UB -Clubs / Ass / Grps UB – Other Participants

VENUE : UB Health Centre

TIME : 8am

1) ii) Activity : Seminar + Presentation(S) + Demonstrations Responsible Officers:

All Venue:  Amphi 250 – University of Buea

Time: 10 am

2) Date / Day : Tuesday 6/4/2010

Activity : Demonstration + Presentation Responsible Officers:

All Venue: UB

Time: 9 am

3) Date / Day : Wednesday 7/4/2010

Activity : Advocacy Walk ( on Foot etc) Responsible Officers:

All Venue: UB

Time: 10 am

4) Date / Day : Sunday 18/4/2010

Activity : Solidarity Visit Responsible Officers: All

(any person who will like to present a talk , please inform us before 7th April 2010)

Venue: HOTPEC Orphange Home, Mile 15, Buea.

Time: 2pm

Proposed Project:

Women and the Sustainable use of Female Condoms:

Fight HIV/AIDs and Gender Based Violence”.


Please, for more info contact: [email protected]

Thanks President WFAC Buea


University of Buea Buea,

SouthWest 237 Cameroon



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