“Inner Whispers”
Special Issue

“You Are The Artist of Your Life”

Hi Catherine Anne Clark !!!

It is also OK to use this on your website as long as you credit April Crawford as the source and include a link to www.AprilCrawford.com

Intro to the Interview…with PHILIPPO…… this is Part II.

FILIPPO: Chow, everyone. I’m Filippo with Life Changes with Filippo. And today our guest is April Crawford/Veronica, and I say “slash Veronica” because on the screen you’re seeing April Crawford right now, but she will be channeling Veronica, an entity, in just a few moments…

Now, Part II begins….

(If you missed Part I, EMAIL for LINK)

FILIPPO: So we should not fear?


FILIPPO: For most people that’s hard…

VERONICA: Very difficult, yes, we understand that.

FILIPPO: Watching television, listening to the radio, reading the newspaper…

VERONICA: And that is all the negativity rising to the surface, so it feels like it’s accelerating. It looks like it’s accelerating. So we would caution to hold back from participating in it. Allow it to rise up and dissipate, and it will.

FILIPPO: So, for example, certain laws are being passed that look like they’re going to be taking more rights away from us or certain things are being asked or certain things are being built that look like they can be used against citizens, if you know what I mean…

VERONICA: Yes, we understand completely.

FILIPPO: …so it would seem that there was a time, maybe the ’60s, in our evolution that people just sat around and said oh, everything is going to be okay, then it wasn’t, and…

VERONICA: Correct.

FILIPPO: …if we just sit around and say everything is going to be okay…

VERONICA: But you have to live and participate energetically so that it is okay. You all have to take responsibility to project the positiveness into the environment and not become fearful and not back up. Do you understand, dear? We think we have lost you somewhere along the way here.

FILIPPO: You haven’t lost me. I’d like more clarification.

VERONICA: All right. You live in a culture that has participated extremely negatively. It started out…we’re talking about the United States…started out with a very clear vision of freedom, rights for all, freedom of religion. Anything you wanted to do, you could participate here, you could own things here. You weren’t subservient to anyone. Started out that way. Then it started crescendoing into some negativity, then it would come back and crescendo into negativity and then sort of move back a bit.

Every time you brought in a new leader or a new set of government, it got better, but then it would…the negativity would creep back in. It’s…in the 1960s we’d say that most individuals were participating in the illusion that everything was going to be okay, and no one really got up and did anything about it. They protested, they had an opinion for the first time.

No one was sitting back and just being hush-hush anymore; they were starting to speak out. But then it sort of died out a bit. Everyone got very comfortable being comfortable and let it all go. And then the negativity started creeping in again. And you have all your incidents…we could sit here and list them all…and it has crescendoed starting in around…what’s your year…2000, it started to really crescendo again, the negativity, it started building up on the planet, and the fear started building up again on the planet.

This whole environment could have imploded in 2000 or so, 2001 or so, but there are a lot of energies who are putting their thoughts in the right place to hold that back. It’s been crescendoing, and the rug has been shaken, dust is in the air, but we think this time there are enough proactive good energies that is going to make a difference. Now, you’re looking at a lot of political things, and we’d say that politics rises and politics falls, and still under vote. We don’t think that some of the negativity that you think is starting to be process in the rights and all this, it’s not going to go through as we see it energetically. We think that there’s enough of you now who are more proactive and there’s enough returned energy who have reincarnated to make a difference. Now do you understand a bit better, my dear?
FILIPPO: Much better. Thank you. And by proactive, we all…if we’re talking about time, we all have a certain amount of time in our day…


FILIPPO: …and in that day we could use it to fight the negativity or to speak out against it or to warn others against it…

VERONICA: If that’s what your choice is. But we think it would much more efficient to just bring your own positive soulful energy in. As mundane as you might think that is, it is extremely powerful. And most of you don’t have an appreciation for that because you’re very much entranced in the physical and have sort of forgotten what it’s like to be omnipotent.

FILIPPO: So please speak to us more about that.

VERONICA: Well, we’d say that very much all of you need to start connecting energetically to who you are. Remember who you are. You create your reality. Most don’t. Most feel victim to their reality or most feel like everyone else is controlling their reality. And we say that each of you has the ability to create every thing in your reality exactly the way you want. You just don’t take it. You just don’t do it. And you’ve been taught, most of you, that it’s inappropriate. So we’d say you don’t have to spend your day protesting, you don’t have to spend your day jumping up and down and not doing your daily thing. We’d say that connecting to your soulful energy every day and living as positively and truthfully as you can and not allowing this negativity to come forth…it’s an energetic battle. It’s not a physical battle, it’s an energetic battle. And if you all connect with your higher self and your energies, all of your fears will be allayed. But most of you don’t do it, at least not in a consistent way. Or you think it’s futile.

FILIPPO: If any of us think it’s futile, it might also be because we wake up in the morning and we see that our day is not what we wanted it to be and would rather stay in bed, but we live it and then go to bed saying I wish it wasn’t this way, and then wake up the next morning and it starts all over again.

VERONICA: Then they’re not using the power of thought as efficiently as they could.

FILIPPO: And thought is?

VERONICA: The most creative thing on the planet. It is an expression of your soul.

FILIPPO: And we use it how?

VERONICA: You usually use it just to get through your day. You go to your job, you do your thing, you do what you’re told to do, you get your paycheck, you go home. You’re very involved in linear, dramatic things. Or you spend it thinking about how you’re going to make up with your sweetheart or you think about how mad you are at your sweetheart. And you spend this whole day entranced in a drama when it could be used more productively in other ways. But that’s the rub of being in linear. It’s tough.

FILIPPO: All right. So you’re upset with your sweetheart, you’re not able to pay the rent, and you…you’re at a job that you don’t like, and you’re driving in traffic all upset. Those are your thoughts.


FILIPPO: And so we’re creating more of that.


FILIPPO: Now, in this moment while this person is in traffic driving an hour to the job that they don’t like while thinking of their sweetheart that they just left behind upset, et cetera, et cetera, and knowing that this month they’re not going to make enough to pay the rent, what do they do in that moment and when will they see the effect in order for them to believe that they are actually doing something?

VERONICA: Depends again upon…it’s very individualistic…but if they can take some time…early morning or at the end of their day… where they sit and divorce themselves from all of those difficulties and say I am going to bring forth a positive thought, and I’m going to attach myself to it every time I feel I’m upset with my sweetheart or I’m stuck in traffic. All of that breeds more. All of that nega…every time you have a negative thought, it breeds another negative thought, and it just expands and expands and expands, and there’s no room for anything else. If you can, take a moment of pause and say all right, I’m just going to sit here for a moment and decide that I’m not going to be victim to that, that I’m going to start thinking about creating another opportunity for myself in the workplace, creating an opportunity to talk to my sweetheart and clear this up one way or the other, create an opportunity where I get enough rest, I take care of myself a little bit better, I don’t spend all my time thinking about the negative part of my day, I’m going to start thinking about how to change that. The problem is that many become very involved in the expansion of the negativity and forget that they can change it. You all forget how powerful you are. And it’s easy to do. You are much more than you think you are. And if you can think beyond the negative moment, you can think your way out of anything. Difficult, not for everyone, but there are many who have done it.

FILIPPO: And it sounds like what we need to do in order…

VERONICA: Absolutely.

FILIPPO: …to make this shift that you’re sharing.

VERONICA: There’s a shift coming, yes, and you’re all marking it with the 2012, but we say it’s already begun, and it’s moving very…sometimes tougher, sometimes a little better, you take two steps forward and you get pushed back a little bit. But energetically as a whole culture, there is progress being made. It’s difficult to see when you’re entrenched in a lousy day, but it is there if you take a good look and attach yourself to one thing. And start all…you aren’t very kind to yourself in this culture, none of you, very judgmental of yourself and unkind. We see most unkindness delivered to one’s own self much more than unkindness to others.

FILIPPO: You’re talking about I shouldn’t be doing this or I did this and shouldn’t have done that or I’m stupid…

VERONICA: Well, the judgment of the self is way off the scale; we’ll tell you that right now. The inability to treat the self kindly is predominant in your culture. And if you don’t treat yourself kindly, it’s very difficult to treat anyone else kindly. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else. You deplete yourself energetically, there’s nothing left to give. And you feel desperate and alone. The nurturing of the self is important. And that’s where it has to begin, with you.

FILIPPO: So it’s interesting. I asked about oneness, and though you talked about it as it being important, it was more important to focus on the self, and now I’m understanding why you say that.

VERONICA: Yes. It’s not a selfish thing. It’s very…you are an energy participating in an energetic environment. Your energy needs to be healthy so that you can have an impact upon the environment.

FILIPPO: And so how do you make a distinction, for those who are not used to thinking this way, between the selfish “I need to think about myself,” and the “I need to think about myself because that’s going to help everybody else”?

VERONICA: Well, you’re always going to have the energies who are younger, who will immediately go great, I can take care of me, me, me, me, me, me, me, and that’s right in line with what I was doing anyway, perfect. And then you have those who have a sensing that I’m supposed to be doing something, I’m supposed to be participating in something, and I really want to be of service but I don’t know how. And we talk to many who are frustrated by that, and we say well, first of all, you have to really build up your energy so that you can give the energy. If you can’t have anything to give, you can’t help anybody. So we’re saying if you’re feeling depleted, start to buoy up your own energy so that you can be of service, that that child that you have can have your energy on that day, or the person who needs help across the street, you can do it because you’ve really given yourself a lot of energy so you can give it.

FILIPPO: Okay. So now we’re going to be focusing on ourselves, those of us…well, everybody…

VERONICA: You should be so that you can give and be in service and then many of you who are in service and want to make a difference in the world. But if you can’t have enough energy to do it, then yes, your hands are tied and you are stifled, and that’s a frustrating thing for most.

FILIPPO: So we are connecting with our souls, we are focusing on ourselves, and we are being of service and looking at the future brightly. And what…and yet there’s this fear or apprehension that there could be earthquakes and tidal waves and all of that and we are in California…

VERONICA: What you think, you create. So what…the more you think about it, the more it will be a probability. Stop thinking about those negative things and decide that it is a natural breathing of the planet and no one will be harmed and allow the planet to take a breath. It comes in an earthquake, but if you start to believe that it’s going to be terrible for everyone or people are going to be hurt or eliminated, then it will happen. But if you lose the fear on it and decide all right, the planet’s taking a breath, it’ll happen at two o’clock in the morning, and the breath will come, the earthquake will come, but it will be an appropriate moment rather than a devastating moment. If you live in fear, you’ll get fear.

FILIPPO: So back to our thoughts.

VERONICA: Yes, it’s all in your thoughts. And we’ll tell you, the many have very inappropriate thought processes.

FILIPPO: Well, you have shown us how to take that moment even in the midst of all the anger and fear of maybe happening in our day…

VERONICA: Decide for yourself that a moment or two of separating from it, backing up, and saying all right, I’m going to have 15 minutes here where I’m just going to be as positive as I can, I’m going to gather my energy, not going to let all this stuff bother me, it will work.

FILIPPO: Do we visualize in that moment or…

VERONICA: Whatever is appropriate for you. Everyone is different. And when we talk to separate energies,, we can usually feel what would be appropriate for them.

FILIPPO: There’s so much more I’d like to ask you, but this point seems so important and I think it’s a great place to stop right now.

VERONICA: All right, dear.

FILIPPO: Unless there’s anything else…

VERONICA: Are we wearing you out?

FILIPPO: (Laughs) No…

VERONICA: (Laughs) We have so enjoyed you. You have such a great energy.

FILIPPO: Thank you.

VERONICA: A very artistic energy.

FILIPPO: This has been very special.

VERONICA: We’ll speak to you again. You’re interesting.

FILIPPO: I’ll look forward to that.

APRIL CRAWFORD: Okay. I’m back.


APRIL: Hopefully that went well.

FILIPPO: Do they allow you to remember anything?

APRIL: I didn’t want to this time. Nervous.

FILIPPO: You were nervous? You’ve been doing this for 20 years. How could you be nervous?

APRIL: I know, but I’ve never talked to you before.

FILIPPO: Well, I have never talked to you before, and I was a little nervous too, so…

APRIL: Yeah, I was a little nervous.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Where do you go? Where does your soul go? Where does your soul go? It just hangs up in the…

APRIL: No, it’s kind of…no, I went somewhere. Where did I go? I have a great interest in my genealogy, and this time I went back to early east Tennessee, sort of around 1790, and was looking around.

FILIPPO: That’s another story.

APRIL: That’s where my people…my people came from east Tennessee really early on, and I’ve researched a lot of that, so I thought…

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Were you looking back into that time or…

APRIL: I was there.


APRIL: I was walking around.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: So you went there.

APRIL: So I did that.

FILIPPO: How cool. That’s great.

APRIL: Well, I’m glad you liked it.

FILIPPO: I loved it. Fun.




Catherine Anne Clark – Over that past few years, VERONICA has talked with thousands of people, mostly individually via telephone in one-on-one conversations (as opposed to large groups).

If you would like to talk personally with VERONICA via telephone, let me know at [email protected] and I (Allen) will be happy to assist with the scheduling.

April Crawford is offering both half hour and full hour personal telephone consultations/readings with VERONICA.

The sessions are conversational in nature and private. I answer the phone but once VERONICA and you start talking… I leave the office. You can ask questions or discuss whatever topics you wish.

If you would like to schedule a personal one-on-one telephone consultation with VERONICA, or if you have questions about readings, send me an email at [email protected] –Allen, Facilitator For April Crawford

(For those who may be new to “Inner Whispers” or if you are receiving this as a forwarded message from a friend, VERONICA is a highly evolved nonphysical entity and guide that speaks via a Natural Open Deep Trance Channel named April Crawford.)

If you would like to view recent video messages from VERONICA, you can see them using the links below:

To see VERONICA’s message
“You Are The Artist of Your Life” (free)



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To see VERONICA’s message “Remember Who You Are” (free)


or, use this full URL:

To see VERONICA’s message about “What The Afterlife is Really Like” (free)


or, use this full URL:

To see VERONICA’s New Year’s Message (free)

“Awaken to Your New Year”

Click HERE to VIEW


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For more information about April Crawford or VERONICA, try
www.AprilCrawford.com or www.AprilCrawfordBookStore.com

copyright April Crawford

Copyright 2022 @ A Celebration of Women™ The World Hub for Women Leaders That Care