Global Warming causes Beach Threat

7 of the World’s Most Beautiful and Threatened Beaches by Beth Buczynski It’s summer and for most of us, that means at least one trip to the nearest beach. Splashing in the ocean, soaking up the sun, sinking my toes into the sand: these are sensations only the beach can provide. Sadly, our pollution and exploitation of all the ocean has to offer has put the world’s most beautiful beaches in jeopardy. In 100 years, a beach-side vacation may be something people only read about in books. 7 … [Read more...]

World Oceans Day is June 8th, celebrate!

June 8th is World Oceans Day Together we have the power to protect the ocean World Ocean Day is a time to celebrate our common treasure, which makes the Earth habitable for people by providing and regulating the climate, weather, oxygen, food and many other environmental, social and economic benefits. The lungs of our planet, providing most of the oxygen we breathe, the ocean is also a major source of food and medicines and a critical part of the biosphere. The ‘blue economy’ of the … [Read more...]

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