8 Home Repair Hacks for Women

Whether you are an independent, career woman or a self-reliant mother, there is nothing that you can fix. This should be your mindset every now and then. Just because it is a man’s work does not mean you are incapable of doing it. In fact, in a recent study published, more and more women are stepping outside their comfort zones and doing home repairs by themselves. Why let your man do the heavy lifting when you can do it, right?

Check out the list of home repair hacks by a Garage Door Repair Company in Maryland, that a woman like you should know.

1. Clogged Toilet

You might think that a plunger is enough to handle a clogged toilet. But, in case you did not know, there is a huge difference in plungers. For starters, there is a plunger specifically made for the toilet. The other one is solely for the sink. At first, you might not easily notice the big difference between the two. However, the moment you use the incorrect one, you will know the reason why.

2. Clogged Sink

As mentioned above, there is a plunger for your home’s sink. But what if you do not have one? Fret not – there is a workaround actually. You just need to use vinegar and baking soda. If you still remember that volcano experiment you did in your elementary years, then you know exactly how this workaround works (except no paper-mache volcano is involved here). First, pour two tablespoons of baking soda into your sink’s pipe. From there, slowly pour the vinegar. You should see the so-called “lava” rise after. Just let the mixture sit in for an hour or so. If the sink is still clogged, just repeat the process.

3. Sagging Garage Door

Your garage door is without a doubt an important asset, as it protects your garage and all the stuff inside. Over time, your garage door tends to sag due to a lot of reason such as rust and exposure to harsh elements. This is an issue common to wooden doors, which are quite susceptible to gravity and time. So, how do you fix this? Well, it is as simple as using tension rods for stabilization. Just position it on the back of your garage door and make sure, from top to bottom, they are placed diagonally. This simple garage door repair hack will wow even that pessimist neighbor of yours.

4. Patching Up a Wall

Like you, walls are not invincible. They are prone to deterioration and, well, holes. Fortunately, you can easily patch it up using a DIY solution. If the hole is similar to the size of a nail, you will just need a speckling paste. But if it is a bit larger, you will need materials such as drywall tape and/or joint tape. Lay the tape across your wall, particularly on the area where the hole is. Then, just speckle it away. To smooth out the patch, use sandpaper or paint it for a more consistent look.

4. Patching Up a Wall

Like you, walls are not invincible. They are prone to deterioration and, well, holes. Fortunately, you can easily patch it up using a DIY solution. If the hole is similar to the size of a nail, you will just need a speckling paste. But if it is a bit larger, you will need materials such as drywall tape and/or joint tape. Lay the tape across your wall, particularly on the area where the hole is. Then, just speckle it away. To smooth out the patch, use sandpaper or paint it for a more consistent look.

5. Whitening Stains on the Bathtub

Seriously, who wants to use a bathtub full of stains? It is time you get this thing fixed using a mixture of tartar cream and baking soda. Remember to use a 1:1 mix, which means if you use 1 tablespoon of tartar cream, you also need to use 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Add some lemon juice until the mixture turns into a paste. Rub it into the stained area in your bathtub and let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour. Rinse away with water and get your sunglasses ready. Why? Because your bathtub is as sparkling as the stars at night.

6. Hiding Wood Scratches

Your kids and pets can scratch your favorite wooden chair or table whether you like it or not. While you can always opt for a professional help, why not do it on your own and save money. Just apply a coat of pigmented wax or, if you do not have it, use a pigmented polishing fluid instead. Your furniture will not only be scratched-free but will also look brand new. This home repair hack is also handy if you are fond of buying second-hand furniture, which is mostly ridden with scratches.

7. Decalcifying the Shower Head

Remember when your grandmother keeps saying, “Dear, vinegar works for everything.” Well, she was not joking. It is actually true. Once your shower head builds up calcium deposits, it is time to use grandma’s motto. Find a pot and fill it with half vinegar and half water, but make sure the vinegar is boiling. From there, unscrew the shower head from its pipe and soak it in the pot overnight. Re-install the head in the morning and rinse it with water. You will be surprised at how effective vinegar is.

8.Cleaning Countertops

Regardless of the material used (e.g. granite, marble, quartz, etc.), your kitchen countertops are also prone to staining. Sometimes, you might want to hire a professional to get the job done, especially if the stains have taken much of the countertops’ sealant. But before you jump to that conclusion, try this method first. Just use warm water and mild soap to clean the stains. If it does not do the trick, try adding a little amount of baking soda. Make sure not to add any lemon-based products, as these will only irritate your countertops’ sealant. And when it does, bacteria can easily penetrate the stone. Rinse the countertop after.

Thanks to Rami F.

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