A Celebration of Women™
is elated to Celebrate the Life of this LIONESS, a Cancer Survivor that has used her experience to grow, heal and develop Associations and Foundations dedicated to the empowerment of Women around the world. A loving Mother and Wife, this powerhouse still finds the time to share her experience, strength and hope; instilling the concepts of inner power into other Women.
Team Celebration promises that this is a Life Celebration not to be missed!
Susan Binau
Cancer survivor, Author and Founder of The Female Courage Foundation
Susan Binau is a celebrated Danish Motivational Speaker and Author who has inspired thousands with her ferocious battle with cancer. She is also an Entrepreneur and has used her innovative spirit to lead countless initiatives and projects.
Her expertise has motivated thousands of business minds through development and training throughout the last fifteen years, with focus on innovation, project development, teaching and network building. These invaluable experiences have served as a solid foundation, allowing her to immerse herself in charitable causes important to her.
Her educational background includes a Masters Degree, for teaching adults from the University of Roskilde, a PD in teaching planning from Denmark Pædagoiske University (DPU). She also received education in adult teaching from Denmark Lærerhøjskole (DLH).
Our Vision: 1015 in 2015
‘We have a clear goal: We want to increase the number of female executives in Denmark from the current 228 to 1015th. It’s not a question of equality. It is a question of talent. And if you only use half the talent pool, so doing will be just half as good as those that utilize the whole pot!
Vfactor want less talk and more action – thanks!
More Action means that Vfactor today is a leader in emerging concepts of gender and leadership. Concepts that create results both for society, for enterprises and individual female leader. Vfactor’s reference list includes some of the most visionary companiesand public institutions. Have you or your company is also a clear desire to get more action, please contact us and learn more about how we can create results. ‘
From 2006 – 2009, Susan co-built Vfactor, which is today’s leading company in Scandinavia with certified leadership development training for female leaders (www.vfactor.dk). Their client-base and vast network prides itself to include some of Denmark’s largest corporations. Her responsibilities ranged from developing new educational concepts like ”Value Academy” and “Charter Academy”, to a strong mentor network of CEOs from some of the most prominent Danish companies.
Minister of Erhvervs minister Inger Stojberg.
In 2010, Vfactor was the proud recipient of the Business Prize (Nordsjalland s Erhvervspris) by Minister of Erhvervs minister Inger Stojberg.
Well-versed and certified in cognitive behavioral and psychological testing, she understands the intricacies of HR. Her wisdom and insight has impacted leadership testing in corporations for over a decade. A thirst for staying ahead of the times has pushed Susan to continuously grow professionally through courses and seminars in test tools, innovation, PR, marketing and sales.
Glade kvinder til udstillingen “female Courage “på Strandgalleriet i København. Udstilligen kører den næste uge. Læs mere på www.strand-galleriet.dk. Standgalleriet og Eva Joensen www.fabelkunst.dk støtter Female Courage Foundation fra salget af billeder.
Vi bøjer os i støvet over den flotte og helt usædvanlige gestus.
Susan og FCF
Using her ‘savoir-faire’ from Vfactor as a springboard, Susan founded the Female Courage Foundation (www.femalecourage.com), a non-profit organization set out to unite, inspire and empower women worldwide to tap into their full potential, and more importantly, share their knowledge with others.
– It’s small ships, we put in the lake, but maybe we can create new role models, says Susan Binau who created the Female Courage Foundation. The painting here is donated by Eva Joensen. Photo: Allan Norregaard.
ABOUT : The Female Courage Foundation
She is also author of Till Sickness Do Us Part: How Love Survives in Difficult Times, A Dignified Farewell, The Lion and the Scenic Route, and Mommy, Can I Have Your PC If You Die: The Story of a Family Struck by Cancer. She travels extensively to give talks and seminars, sharing her vast background through her personal and professional life experiences. Most recently, she co-launched Nordic Wizards(www.nordicwizards.com ), a creative company focusing on product and concept invention.She has shifted focus from Europe and is expanding her businesses to the United States. Susan is a mother to 4 beautiful children, and is married to music producer Alan Binau.
They split their time between Denmark and their new home, Florida.
Other Activities
- Member of Momentum Inspiration & Advisory Board www.momentum.dk 2009 – current
- Professional speaker at www.athenas.dk
- Chairman of the Board at Klovedal Holding 2008 (Denmark), Board member at CEONEO.com (Denmark), Board Member at Klovedal Invest (Denmark), Board member at female Courage Foundation (USA 2011).
Susan’s BOOKS:
Skype: susanbinau
Mobile USA 407 873 0389
Denmark (45) 22751313
A Celebration of Women
sends our blessings and welcomes this powerhouse to the
Alumni of WOMEN of ACTION,
A Celebration of Women.
Brava Susan!
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Susan Binau
July 14, 2012 by