A mother is a nurturer, protector and so much more.
But too many mothers suffer a cruel fate: their own death or the death of their child because the world is failing to help.
This year, 1,000 mothers a day will die during pregnancy and childbirth. And 21,000 children younger than age 5 will die every day. Nearly all of these deaths occur in poor countries — and the biggest tragedy is that we know how to prevent almost all of these deaths.
You can be the difference for a poor mother or a child when you support CARE’s work by making a gift in honor of a special woman in your life.For example, your gift of $70 could help provide six months of extra nutrition for a pregnant woman or her newborn and $200 could train three community health workers to provide obstetric care and hospital referrals for expectant mothers. Along with your gift, you can send your honoree a lovely e-card letting them know that your gift is helping build a brighter future for another mother and her family.
Supporting CARE’s work to empower women around the world creates a ripple effect that’s striking at the roots of poverty: one woman, one family, one village at a time. Your gift can help mothers safeguard their health so they can make sure their children grow up strong, go to school and become self-sufficient. What Mother’s Day gift could be more touching than one that can help empower a mother to lift herself, her family and her community out of poverty for good? Please give today.
Thank you for showing your support for women like Thandi, and celebrating Mother’s Day with a gift to CARE in honor of the special women in your life. We wish you and your loved ones a happy Mother’s Day!
Helene D. Gayle, MD, MPH President and CEO, CARE
CARE – Honor your mother and empower another
May 9, 2012 by