Answered Prayers, Kay Arthur – WOMEN in RECOVERY

In your life find a way to experience Spiritual Devotion through Prayer or Meditation in a way that brings out Devotional Qualities.

Each day connect with your Soul allow the Divine Light in, these Qualities or Energies are Healing; they drive away anger.

All of your Prayers are always Answered.

……be Observant of everything you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, or sense in any way , as it is an Aspect of Divinity.

Thy Will, Not Mine….is the Key

KAY @ RANDOM HO– USE, A Collection of Inspirational Books.

Kay Arthur on why some prayers go unanswered

Our doctrinal statement summarizes biblical truth that historically and doctrinally has been regarded as essential to the Christian faith. We ask that all of our leaders be in full agreement with this statement.


We believe (a) in the plenary verbal inspiration of the Word of God, and (b) that both the Old and New Testaments are inerrant in the original writings and are the supreme and final authority for faith and life.

We believe the Godhead exists in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three Persons are one God having precisely the same nature, attributes, and perfections.

We believe in (a) His eternal existence as God, (b) His Incarnation and Virgin Birth, (c) His death on the cross as the substitutionary atonement for sin, (d) His literal, bodily resurrection from the dead, (e) His present ministry of intercession in heaven, and (f) His personal, future return to earth.

We believe that the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead, convicts men of sin, regenerates, baptizes, indwells, seals, and sets apart believers unto a holy life; that He keeps and empowers believers day by day; that He is the Teacher of the Word of God and the Guide for daily living.

We believe that (a) man was created innocent and pure, and (b) Adam fell through the sin of disobedience. Therefore, (c) all men are corrupted in body, soul, and spirit; and (d) all men need redemption.

We believe that (a) salvation is by grace, a free gift of God apart from works, (b) salvation involves repentance, a change of mind in respect to God and thus turning from one’s own way to God’s way, (c) salvation is through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, (d) all who receive Jesus Christ are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and become the children of God, and (e) true salvation will be manifested by a changed life.

We believe (a) in the personal, visible, bodily return of Jesus Christ to earth, (b) in the bodily resurrection of the just to the eternal abode in the glory of God’s presence, and (c) in the bodily resurrection of the unjust to judgment and everlasting punishment in the lake of fire.

Precept Ministries International was founded by Jack and Kay Arthur 31 years ago, initially as a teen ministry. Now there are Precept inductive Bible study groups in all 50 States, with materials in 150 countries and nearly 170 languages. The variety of studies reaches all ages, from young children to adults. Kay is well-known throughout the world as an inspiring Bible teacher and conference speaker, as well as her daily radio program, television programs, and one-minute radio feature that broadcast to over 800 stations. Precept Ministries International conducts conferences and institutes worldwide to train, men, women, couples, and teens in the Word of God.

A Celebration of Women

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