Guru Har Gobind – Sikh Celebrate Birth!

Birthday of Guru Har Gobind

is a

Sikh Religious Observance

Birthday of Guru Har Gobind is a religious observance for the Sikhism followers.

Birthday of Guru Har Gobind: July 5, 2010

Birthday of Guru Har Gobind is a religious observance for the Sikhism followers.

Guru Harghobind is also known as Sacha Badshah, or True King in English, he was the sixth Guru of Sikhism nad was born on June 19, 1595.

His birthday is remembered and Celebrated by all Sikhs on July 5.


History of Guru Har Gobind

Har Gobind was marked by the fate of his father that died at the hands of the Mughal, an Islamic Imperial Power that ruled with tyranny the Indian subcontinent. Har Gobind wasn’t more than eleven when his father was executed and became himself Guru of the Sikhs. Even though he was of a saintly personality and connection with God, he was also a warrior and loved sports.

Among all the ten gurus of Sikhism he was the strongest and tallest of them, physically speaking. He carried two swords, one that symbolized his authority as spiritual guide and the other to symbolize his authority here on earth. 

Both swords were needed to either…

… Hurt the Oppressor or Defend the Innocents.

The Akal Tahkt, or Throne of the Timeless One, was built by Guru Har Gobind, it is one of five Takhts that symbolize the physical authority of the Sikhs. It was built to show authority and determination towards all the Sikhs threats that they had to face during the 17th and 18th century.

He personally ordered all Sikhs to keep a sword and a horse; he also asked to be given horses and weapons instead of money. He was at heart the Guru warrior that Sikhs needed at a time that many threats from other empires would knock at their doors. These threats eventually led to wars with the Mughal and thousands of people died on both sides.

Even though during his reign he had to fight many battles alongside his followers, Sikhs always faithfully followed him and honored him in battle. Guru Har Gobind died on March 2, 1644, at Kiratpur Rupnagar, Punjab.


Birthday of Guru Har Gobind Traditions, Customs and Activities

The Birthday Celebrations of Guru Har Gobind last for 3 days.

Two days before the birthday, there is a team of Men and Women that start reading the Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy Scriptures of Sikhs, from start to end without interruption, this is called the Akhand Path and is done at any Gurdwara, Sikh worship place.

The day before the birthday a procession is organized, the Panj Pyares lead the procession and are followed by musicians, dancers and gatka teams performing martial arts.

On the day of the birthday at early morning there are morning hymns, or Asa di Var, followed by an exposition of the Guru Granth Sahib.


During the day there is food serving and everybody joins in prayers and joyous singing.

Around sunset it is time for the Rehras, evening prayers.


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