USDA – Diane Van "Safety with Food"

Why Does USDA Recommend

Using a Food Thermometer?


By Diane Van,

USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service

Because you can’t tell if food has reached a safe internal temperature just by looking at it.
Is it done yet? How do you know when your hamburger is done? Because it’s brown in the middle? Looking at the color of the food is not enough—you have to use a food thermometer to be sure. 

According to USDA research, 1 out of every 4 hamburgers turns brown in the middle before it has reached a safe internal temperature. The only way to be sure food is safely cooked is to use a food thermometer to measure the internal temperature.

Because it helps you to avoid overcooking.
Using a food thermometer not only keeps you safe from harmful food bacteria but it also helps you to avoid overcooking, keeping it juicy and flavorful.

Because it reduces the risk of foodborne illness.
Just like washing your hands before you prepare a meal, you should get into the habit of checking the internal temperature of food, especially meat, poultry and egg dishes. Using a food thermometer is the only sure way of knowing if your food has reached a high enough temperature to destroy foodborne bacteria.

Tips for using a food thermometer

  • Use an instant-read thermometer to check the internal temperature toward the end of the cooking time, but before the food is expected to be done.
  • Insert the food thermometer into the thickest part of the food, making sure it doesn’t touch bone, fat or gristle.
  • Compare your thermometer reading to the Recommended Safe Minimum Internal Temperatures chart to determine if your food has reached a safe temperature.
  • Make sure to clean your food thermometer with hot, soapy water before and after each use.

Thermometers come in all shapes and sizes—digital probes for the oven and microwave, dial oven-safe and even disposable temperature indicators. For more information about the different types of thermometers and how to use them, check our fact sheet on Kitchen Thermometers.

Where is your food thermometer? Pushed to the back of the utensil drawer until Thanksgiving? I encourage you to use it whenever you’re cooking meat, poultry, and even egg dishes. It’s the only reliable way to make sure you are preparing a safe and delicious meal for your family.


 “It’s Safe to Bite When the Temperature’s Right!


If you have questions about using a food thermometer, feel free to submit them here. But, if you need an answer quickly, one of the following is your best bet:

  • Phone: Call USDA’s toll-free Meat and Poultry Hotline at 1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854).   
  • Online: Use our automated system, Ask Karen, to search our knowledgebase, submit a question, or participate in live chat.
  • Email: Send your question to [email protected].

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