Our oceans are being decimated -- deep-sea trawlers are clear-cutting our ocean floors leaving vast wastelands. A crucial UN fisheries meeting is happening in 48 hours -- and it could be the turning point in the fight against senseless ocean destruction, but only if enough of us speak out now. Sign and forward to everyone: Our oceans are being systematically destroyed and we have 48 hours to raise the alarm. The seafood industry uses long chains of heavy metal disks to … [Read more...]
Avaaz.org – 48 hours to end ocean clear-cuts
September 13, 2011 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CA-- USES Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, Avaaz.org - 48 hours to end ocean clear-cuts, crushing everything in their path, deep-sea trawlers, in search of fish, ocean destruction, petition, seafood industry, sign petition, Take Action, to drag nets across the sea floor, UN fisheries meeting, uses long chains of heavy metal disks