Top Tips to Gain Confidence in Your Appearance

Although you are much more than your looks, it can be difficult to feel confident in yourself when you have issues with your body image and self-esteem. Then, if you are starting to feel down whenever you look in the mirror, and this is impacting your ability to thrive at work, and home and your ability to sustain good mental health, here are some tips to boost your confidence in your appearance. 1. Get Tattoos Removed One of the reasons that you might feel less than confident when it … [Read more...]


Hepatitis is a broad term referring to inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis can be caused by a variety of things, including toxins, certain drugs, heavy alcohol use, and bacterial infections—but most hepatitis infections are caused by viruses. Viral hepatitis is the leading cause of liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplantation. Different types of hepatitis are labeled with letters from the alphabet. These include hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. The most common types in the … [Read more...]

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