Does it sound a little odd to you to think of a relationship like a contact sport? Yet it is very exciting to touch and be touched. Couples desire touch. They want it, crave it, and need it, but many times just don’t have it. Touch dissipates in many relationships, and this is sad for couples. But when asked, they do say that things used to be very hot in the beginning! How did they become distant physically? Touch is necessary to humans. For example, Dr. Paul Brand, a pioneer in the field … [Read more...]
CelebrateLove, Renew the “Contact” in Your Relationship
June 2, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CONTRIBUTORS, INSPIRATIONAL BLOGS, INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS, RELATIONSHIPS Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, author, Barbara Peters, CelebrateLove, emotions, feelings, guest authors, Larry James, Lennon and McCartney, love, lovers, marriage, physical connection, relationships, Renew the “Contact” in Your Relationship, touch, women authors