Many of UNDP's relationships with countries and territories on the ground exceed 60 years. Find details on our successes and ongoing work. India has a rich history of women in positions of power, yet the country ranks 129 out of 146 countries on the Gender Inequality Index, and women in India face barriers at all levels in areas such as food insecurity and education. To confront the social, economic and political challenges faced by women in India, a group of female activists, … [Read more...]
INDIA: Breaking the Glass Ceiling
March 27, 2012 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: ASIA, FEATURED EVENTS, WOMEN GENDER EQUITY ISSUES, WOMEN Taking ACTION, WORLD EVENTS, WORLD ISSUES Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, Breaking the Glass Ceiling, Empowerment of Women, India, INDIA: Breaking the Glass Ceiling, women's equality, women's place in society, women's power, women's rights, women.