WHAT: "Innovate Your Future: Empower Young Women through Technology" Google + Hangout organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) highlighting the potential of Information and Communication Technologies in advancing gender equality and in contributing to bridging the digital divide between women and men. WHEN: Thursday 6 June, 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT WHERE: The event can be watched live … [Read more...]
Empower Young Women through Technology, Geena Davis
June 5, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AMERICAN [U.S.A.], BUSINESS, CANADIAN, FEATURED, FEATURED EVENTS, Government Speaks to our Women, INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO, Uncategorized, WOMEN GENDER EQUITY ISSUES, WOMEN Taking ACTION, WORLD EVENTS, YOUTH of ACTION™ Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, DESA, ECOSOC, Empower Young Women, Empower Young Women through Technology, Geena Davis, girls, Google, Google Hang Outs, Google+ Hangout, INTERNET, IT, IT techonology, live, technology, UN, UN Women, UNDP, UnitedNations, wifi, young women, youth, youth of action