These are the only 11 countries in the world that are actually free from conflict As new wars and civil unrests seem to be flaring up every week, we look for the only countries in the world that could be considered ‘conflict-free’. With the crisis in Gaza, the rise of Islamist militants in Iraq and Syria and the international stand-off ongoing in Ukraine, it can sometimes feel like the whole world is at war. But experts believe this is actually almost universally the case, according to … [Read more...]
World peace?
September 7, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AFRICA, ASIA, CANADIAN, CARIBBEAN, CENTRAL AMERICA, Contributors, EURASIA, EUROPE, FEATURED, FEATURED EVENTS, FORMER SOVIET UNION, MIDDLE EAST, NORTH AMERICA, OCEANIA, SOUTH AMERICA, Uncategorized, Videos, WORLD EVENTS, WORLD ISSUES Tagged With: 2014 Global Peace Index,, conflict, global unrest, Iraq, Islamist militants, Syria, The Independent, UK, ukraine, World Peace, World Peace Day