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In celebration of National Women’s Small Business Month, below are some interesting stats that show just how women are on the move.

Women entrepreneurs statistics show that 252 million entrepreneurs out of approximately 582 million in the world are female. Added to 153 million women who have already been running businesses, we can see the impact of women on business.

Research also shows that women now account for 41% of the global workforce and control more than $20 trillion in annual spending. Predictions are that this number will go up to $28 trillion in the next few years.

Key Female Entrepreneurship Statistics

> Women own 31% of small businesses or franchises in the US.
> 17% of black women are in the process of starting or running a new business.
> The female entrepreneurial activity rate in the US is 16.6%.
> 14% of women-owned businesses employ between 11 and 50+ workers.
> Women represent 50% of entrepreneurs in Latin America and the Caribbean.
> 36.1% of immigrant business owners in Canada are women.
> South Asia has less than 20% of female entrepreneurs.
> Women-owned and controlled enterprises create direct employment for about 27 million people in India.
> Statistics for 2021 show that women own 31% of small businesses or franchises in the US.

Can Women be Entrepreneurs?

Judging from the newest data, women can definitely be entrepreneurs. With various funding opportunities and today’s business climate, women are more than welcome to enter the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Nevertheless, this isn’t the case in all parts of the world. As we have seen, women don’t always have such favorable conditions. In some regions, women are prevented from participating in the business world because of socioeconomic or other reasons.

Which Country has the Most Female Entrepreneurs?

The Global Entrepreneurship Research Association’s survey has found that female entrepreneurship is widespread on the Arabian Peninsula and in the Americas. Moreover, countries with a high percentage of women entrepreneurs are Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Panama, Chile, and the US.

According to the same study, many developed countries in Europe have low rates of female entrepreneurs. Overall, the US is ranked number one for female entrepreneurship, followed by New Zealand, Canada, and Israel.

What percentage of CEOs are Female?

As of 2021, there are 41 female CEOs employed at Fortune 500 companies. This number actually translates to eight percent of women CEOs at the top of America’s 500 highest-grossing companies.

The good news is that the number of female CEOs has risen for the third year in a row. Moreover, this year is exceptional for another reason — two African-American women are leading Fortune 500 companies simultaneously for the first time.

How many Women Entrepreneurs are in the World?

The latest available statistics show that there are over 250 million women entrepreneurs in the world. Another 153 million women operate well-established businesses. These numbers vary across regions and depend on many factors. Globally, one in three small, medium, and large businesses are owned by women.

Moreover, female participation in business ownership correlates with countries’ income levels to a small extent. In low-income countries, only one in four businesses have female owners. Conversely, in middle and high-income countries, the rates are 36% and 37%, respectively.

The latest stats for women entrepreneurs report that 13% of 309 unicorns in 2021 have female founders or co-founders.

A startup that made more than $1 billion is called a unicorn. However, recent data shows that teams with female founders are neither gaining nor losing a significant share in the unicorn ranks. Among all companies valued at $1 million and up, 11.4% have a female founder or co-founder.

However, not all unicorns stay private. The latest data available shows that a total of 309 unicorns have matured to exit the unicorn leaderboard. Out of those, women are founders or co-founders in 41 companies.

For example, in the USA today, Women-owned Businesses employ 9.4 million workers and generate revenue of $1.9 trillion.

An annual report on the state of women-owned businesses reveals that they fuel the American economy. Surprisingly, women-owned businesses make up 42% of all businesses in the US. The findings also imply that these women are of diverse ethnic and geographic backgrounds.

Women Entrepreneur Facts — Conclusion

Women have made an enormous effort to be present on the map of success in entrepreneurship in the last century. The impact is significant, but they can do much more. For example, women have shown a higher company success rate, but they take fewer risks.

Famous men and women tend to think that the way we perceive entrepreneurs needs to change. We should never think of CEOs as men or women, as both are equally capable. When people become familiar with this thought, the world of entrepreneurship might be better for both of them.

One of the most significant ways you can celebrate is by share information on social media, including this article. Use #WomensSmallBusinessMonth to post on social media.

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