How Pet Tracking Devices Do More than Just Locating Pet

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tan dog looking down at grey kitten in park setting

Pets wandering off on their own is a common occurrence mainly because they’re curious about the world outside. An open door or a window is like an open invitation to go exploring. The trouble is that once the animals get too far, they cannot find their way back home. That’s how millions of cats and dogs go missing each year with many of them ending up at shelters while their owners are frantically trying to locate them.

Modern technology like pet tracking devices have made it increasingly easy for owners to keep their little furry friends safe. According to research conducted by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, at least 15% of lost dogs were recovered because of the microchips, ID tags, and other forms of identification that they had on them. The exciting thing about such devices is that they can now do a lot more than just tell you where your pet is at all times. In fact, many additional features of the tracking gadgets help you care for the animals so they’re healthy.

Interested in learning more?

Read ahead: Record Detailed Information About Your Pet Using the phone app connected to pet tracking devices like the Findster, you can maintain a record of the detailed information about the animal.

In addition to the name of the dog or cat, you can also put down the breed, gender, age, and birthday, if you know the date. Further, record whether or not the pet has been neutered and the date when you had the procedure done. In addition to the microchip tag number, the app also displays your phone number and email address. If required, you can also add the name and address of the vet who regularly cares for the animal.

Record Activity Levels and Plan Feeding Portions

Overfeeding with inadequate exercise results in excessive pounds – in animals too! You can prevent that from happening to your furry friend with pet tracking devices. These gadgets record the amount of activity that the animal gets all through the day along with an estimate of the number of calories he’s likely burnt. With the advice of the vet, you can control the portion sizes that you feed the pet and keep his weight in check.

In fact, experts now advise that you may want to weight the food portions on a set of scales in place of relying on the measuring cups that accompany most pet food packages. You may also want to keep in mind that if your furry buddy has been neutered, he’ll need at least 30% less calories.

The New York Times warns pet owners that close to 100 million dogs and cats in 2018 were considered overweight or obese by their vets. Around 56% of dogs and 60% of cats weigh more than nature intended them. Dr. Justin Shmalberg is the service chief of integrative medicine at the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine in Gainesville. He says, “In part, it’s an issue of perception. Generally, the public is more tolerant of obese animals than they are of thin ones. There’s not as much stigma with animals being overweight as with people.”

Prevent Diseases and Extend Lifespans in Your Pets by Monitoring their Weight

Pet owners tend to think that overweight pets are cute, but most of them don’t realize that the extra weight often leads to bigger health problems – similar to the ones that humans are likely to develop. For instance, excess fat leads to inflammation in animal bodies because of which they can develop diabetes and arthritis.

While larger pets have more of joint problems, smaller dogs risk having their airways collapsing. By checking records of the activity levels of your pet and measuring mobility, his vet can identify the possibility of the onset of osteoarthritis.

Cancer, hypertension, liver and kidney diseases, and poor quality of life are some of the other health issues your little friend could have as this article on ScienceDaily informs. Specific breeds may also have shorter lifespans because of the added weight they carry. Some examples are German shepherds and male Yorkshire terriers. So, you see, investing in smart pet tracking devices that help you stay on top of your buddy’s exercise and feeding schedules is a great idea. Such gadgets are also extremely handy when you’re relying on kids and professional dog walkers to exercise the pet when you’re working long hours.

Record Health Information and Medication

As most busy pet owners, you might find it challenging to keep track of the medicines your friend needs to take regularly along with his vaccination program. Most pet tracking devices connect with a smartphone or iPhone app and send you alerts and reminders.

Make sure your pet never misses a medication dose and set up the appointments with the vet on time. And, since these gadgets can also record the quality of sleep, heartbeat and vital signs, and behavior patterns, you have the perfect tool to keep your little friend healthy.

Use the Apps to Search for Information

One of the best advantages of the phone app compatible with pet tracking devices is the vast array of information they give you. Use the tool to search for pet stores that carry the supplies you need or details of emergency vet services located close to your home. In case your pet is sick or injured, the app helps you with directions on how to help him until you get to a qualified professional.

Modern-day tracking devices like the microchip and pet finder are invaluable for owners wanting to keep their four-legged friends safe and healthy. Both gadgets have unique advantages and it is best to use a combination with the microchip inserted in the skin and the tracker attached to the collar of your pet.

Invest in them and you’ll be surprised at the many positives aside from the basic feature that pinpoints the geographical location of the animal.

Thanks to Saroj

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