A Celebration of Women™
is elated to Celebrate the Life of this Canadian woman leader that is devoting her life to the betterment of our youth, with a focus on the issue of the Human Trafficking of girls/women in Canada.
Being a Survivor herself, after 14 years of suffering at the hands of Human Traffickers, this woman leads the charge to remove the stigma and help young women reach out to safety.
Timea Nagy
Ms. Timea Eva Nagy was born in Budapest, Hungary and is the daughter of a local police woman. Ms. Nagy is not only a survivor of Human Trafficking but also a speaker and social advocate on behalf of human trafficking victims worldwide.It was during the recovery from injury Timea was moved by musical artist, Pierrot, while confined to bed. The melodies and lyrics provided the needed inspiration to move forward and heal. Out of her profound appreciation, it became her mission to spread the word about Pierrot and his music. After meeting the singer in summer of 1991, Timea launched and managed his fan club over the next 5 years growing it from a handful to well over 1,500 active members to this day.
Because of the success and knowledge gained through Pierrot and the Hungarian music scene, Timea landed an intern position with the local TV station, Csepp-TV, where she created a successful local show for the teenage market which then further opened doors in the music industry. Her next step was to found Independent Movie Makers where she wrote, produced and hosted her own live-to-air shows. She had the good fortunate to interview up and coming or well known Hungarian and American musicians such as Akos, Animal Canibals, Charlie, Backstreet Boys, Enigma, Moby, and Prodigy just to name a few.
Her talent was quickly recognized by industry experts. Top artists noticed Timea’s fresh and unique vision and began collaborating with her on small projects. From this, she developed professional relationships with Hungary’s top artists and became a sought after video/concert/documentary producer.
She worked with established labels such as EMI, Sony Music Hungary, BMG Ariola Hungary, Warner Hungary and Polygram.
Before her 20th birthday, Timea made what was to become an extraordinary and life-changing decision to visit and work in Canada for the summer of 1998 to earn extra income during a lull in the music video production market. She answered an advertisement and spoke with an articulate woman who told her she could work as a housekeeper, nanny or nightclub dancer, which sounded like a good opportunity to explore another culture and save some money for her future.
Ms. Timea Eva Nagy was born in Budapest, Hungary and is the daughter of a local police woman. Ms. Nagy is not only a survivor of Human Trafficking but also a speaker and social advocate on behalf of human trafficking victims worldwide.
On April 18, 1998, Timea arrived at Terminal 3 in the Pearson International Airport. Filled with excitement for a summer of adventure, Timea was whisked away by her ‘employers’, stripped of her identification, and informed her work contract was in fact of an exotic dancer – not what an intelligent, sweet and naïve young lady from Hungary would have ever dreamed for herself.
Here starts the journey of an immigrant sex slave.
Ms. Nagy’s sex slave nightmare took place over 14 years ago when she immigrated to Canada in the hopes of fulfilling a summer position as a housekeeper or nanny and earning a little extra income.
Upon arrival she was kidnapped, controlled, and kept under horrible conditions and was forced to work in the sex trade in Toronto and surrounding areas for 3 months until one day she miraculously escaped her captors.
Timea Eva Nagy was born in Budapest, Hungary and is the daughter of a local police woman.
Timea is not only a survivor of Human Trafficking but also a speaker and social advocate on behalf of Human Trafficking victims worldwide.
Timea’s sex slave nightmare took place over 14 years ago when she immigrated to Canada.
In March of 1999, Timea contacted and began working with Detective Bert O’Mara with the Canadian police force who headed up a joint task force, Project Almonzo, consisting of Immigration, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and other social organizations to clean up the exotic industry in the Greater Toronto Area and to bring her own captors to justice. Unfortunately in March of 2004 after 6 longs years, the trail ended finding her ‘employer’ and sexual assaulter not guilty on all charges. More disappointments would follow.
As if that wasn’t devastating enough, her boyfriend and roommate at the time took his own life only one week later in their shared home. And to add more salt to the wound, Timea’s work permit expired with the closing of the court case; she lost her job and hit the financial skids. She was understandably devastated and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Even then, she wasn’t ready to go to Hungary because she was terrified she might be hunted down by the Hungarian Organized Crime members she successfully put in jail in 1999. Through a series of fateful twists and turns, Timea was granted Permanent Resident status in February of 2005 by the Canadian government, which began her return to wholeness.As part of Timea’s journey to heal and forgive the pain of the past, as well show appreciation for all those who helped her along the way, she has been giving back to the country and community that eventually treated her with kindness.
Founder of Walk With Me
As a result of her experiences, Ms. Nagy has founded the independent organization known as Walk With Me.
Walk With Me is a community based organization established by a survivor of human trafficking to rescue and restore the dignity, freedom and well being of human trafficked victims, by providing distinctive, coordinated and comprehensive immediate victim services in Ontario. Within the last 2 years alone her organization has assisted over 280 victims of human trafficking and continues to assist these victims as well as new ones everyday.
Established by a survivor of human trafficking, Walk With Me was created with a commitment to ensuring that survivors have a place in providing first response care to victims of human trafficking and secondly with recognition that survivors should have a voice in developing a coordinated community response that can meet immediate crisis and longer term needs of trafficked victims.
Since inception in 2009, Walk With Me has been working closely with various police services across Canada and has been able to provide unique services and support to many victims of human trafficking in Ontario and all across Canada. The organization been working with Police agencies across Canada and North America assisting officers and victims in the time of need. WWM has assisted over 150 Human Trafficking investigations and assisted over 280 victims since inception.
Walk With Me Canada Victim Services working with Law Enforcement and Awareness groups, Politicians and the public to eradicate Sex Trafficking in Canada. WWM is a well respected organization in Canada and is been recognized for their Victim Service and Front Line work, the latest recognition came from the Prime Minister of Canada. This video is a little montage about the organization and their work.
Vision Statement
Transforming the lives of the victims of human trafficking.
Mission Statement
Walk With Me Canada Victim Services is a survivor- led organization dedicated to delivering and coordinating services for victims of human trafficking, and networking with community partners to improve the lives of rescued women and men, supporting “victims becoming survivors“.
The largest human trafficking ring ever caught in Canada operated, here, in Hamilton but Minister of Public Safety Vic Toews said it’s still a problem in the city.
“It involved workers who were recruited in Hungary and brought to Canada on the promise of jobs and with the hopes of bettering their lives and that of their families,” said Martin. “They were forced to work long hours without pay, living in basements in inhumane conditions.”
Canada’s action plan includes a Human Trafficking Taskforce, awareness campaign and improved detection and prevention tools.
Timea Nagy is a trafficking survivor. She was also from Hungary when she came to Canada nearly 12 years ago for what she thought was a nanny and housekeeping job.
“I was forced to strip,” Nagy explained. “I didn’t sleep, I didn’t eat.”
Canada’s new plan is one that Nagy is proud to see.
“I feel overwhelmed. Almost all of the leading countries have a human trafficking task force and we haven’t had it, we’ve been waiting for this,” Nagy explained. Part of the plan includes a fund that will provide up to $500,000 for projects to improve human trafficking victims services.
“Most Canadians think it happens in Thailand or Cambodia but the truth is people are getting trafficked into Canada that are international victims and there are domestic victims. There are Canadian girls that are getting trafficked,” added Nagy.
“These situations do occur in various innocuous settings. It doesn’t have to be out on the street,” Toews said. “It can be in very upscale homes, in domestic situations, it can be in restaurants in your community.” “It involved workers who were recruited in Hungary and brought to Canada on the promise of jobs and with the hopes of bettering their lives and that of their families,” said Martin. “They were forced to work long hours without pay, living in basements in inhumane conditions.”
In 2009 May, Timea attended a book publishing seminar in New York where she met retired FBI Agent, Jeff Lanza. He decided to support Timea’s work and helped her to self publish her first book, Memoirs of a Sex Slave Survivor. A story of one person’s difficult journey into the underbelly of the sex slavery trade and the personal healing and forgiveness that followed.
Timea Nagy hopes to inspire others to rise above victimization and lead joyful and purposeful lives in spite of difficult circumstances a living example of ‘grace in action’. Memoirs of a Sex Slave Survivor BOOK HERE
A stunning, unforgettable story of an ordinary woman in extraordinary circumstances who defies the odds. Compelling and sweeping, balancing a tragic and unbelievable experience with a powerful story of grace, Timea Nagy’s journey is one that will stay with you long after you read the last page. Find book HERE.
National Bestseller by Globe and Mail list
#1 Best Seller by Amazon.ca Ontario
#1 Best Seller by Amazon.ca in Organized Crime
Available in Canada and the United StatesBreak the Silence, by Francois Klark
Francois Klark, a young, talented up-and-coming Canadian artist, decided to join the fight against Human Trafficking when he met survivor Timea E Nagy and consequently read her book. He wrote a beautiful song based on Timea’s experience of what it is like to be a sex slave.
The song is released on Itunes along with a video that will serve as a Public Service Announcement to raise awareness around the world.
Singing by: Francois Klark
Piano by: Kibwe Thomas
Background Vocals: Timea Nagy
Mixing by: Kibwe Thomas
Recorded: 2012 September 10thTimea has been named one of the most knowledgeable speaker/trainer on Human Trafficking in North America. Officials from Europe, Australia, India, United States and Canada are constantly looking for her input on projects, training materials and more.
Timea has trained over 10,000 Police officers in Canada and the United States since 2009.
Ontario Provincial Police (from Orillia to London and from Kingston to Niagara) Winnipeg Police, Edmonton Police, Vancouver Police, Montreal Police, Ottawa Police, Kingston Police,Hamilton Police, Niagara Police, Windsor Police,Toronto Police,Durham Regional Police, Sudbury Police, Peel Regional Police, York Regional Police, London RCMP, RCMP Nova Scotia, RCMP BC, RCMP Montreal, RCMP Ottawa, Canada Boarder Services, Correctional Service Canada.
Victim Services
York Region VS, Niagara Region VS, Toronto Region VS, Parry Sound VS, Pembroke VS, Ottawa VS, Brookville VS, Simcoe VS, Kitchener Waterloo VS
Service Providers
Nurses, Forensic Nurses, Teachers, Youth Group workers, University students, University Security officers, Translation Agencies, Settlement Agencies, Church Groups, Professional Women’s groups, Rape Crisis Centers and more.
If you wish to book Timea for your next training session please fill out the contact form below.
Timea has shared her vision of hope through answering suicide hotlines, distress calls for the United Way, as well as developing a number of fundraising events for youth-oriented organizations such as Future Aces Foundation.
Out of that experience and strong desire to affect change, she founded No More Violence, a project designed at stopping gun and youth violence in North America. Timea is certain proof we each have the opportunity and choice to live full and joyful lives in spite of difficult circumstances.
Book Timea as Speaker HERE
A Celebration of Women™
welcomes this powerhouse into our global alumni with open arms, looking forward to future collaborations, bettering the lives of all girls, women and children, focusing on the challenge of servicing their needs in freedom from Human Trafficking.
Brava Timea!
Up-dated November 2021
Timea Eva Nagy – WOMAN of ACTION™
November 18, 2021 by