Key Ways the Internet Can Empower New Moms

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brunette young new mom holding up baby in air with her two arms

As of July 2020, as many as 4.57 billion people qualified as active internet usersequating to nearly 56% of the world’s population. Among these internet users are an increasing number of women looking to make valuable changes to their current lifestyles.

While there is a common belief that technology has made our lives busier and less engaged, technology, and the internet in particular, can be a great empowerment tool for new moms. Not only can it enable moms to make and maintain very valuable connections and host and attend virtual events, but also to forge a very lucrative web-based career for themselves.

Make and Maintain Useful Connections

New moms often find themselves somewhat isolated from society. These women can effectively empower themselves by making use of a range of online tools that will enable them to both make and maintain business and social connections. Ladies Who Launch is a useful online tool that not only provides community support but also provides valuable contacts for meetings and workshops applicable to small businesses.

Other popular platforms worth utilizing include Everywoman, Power to Fly, and the BOSS network. Even more traditional social media and communication platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be used to make valuable business contacts while also keeping in touch with friends and family.

Attend a Business or Social Event

According to a feature in Forbes, virtual events are up by 1000% since the beginning of the year. There is no need to miss an important business meeting or seminar as they can simply be moved to a virtual platform such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, 6Connex, and Brella.

These virtual event platforms can also be utilized for a range of social events. New moms are typically cautious of venturing to social events with their new babies. Under current circumstances, hosting events such as birthday parties, engagement announcements, and anniversary celebrations can carry even greater risk.

Thankfully, there is no need to miss out on these special occasions as virtual events are becoming increasingly prevalent. You can even host a virtual baby shower complete with a gift registry and personalized invites. There are, in fact, limitless possibilities of what can be achieved on an online event platform.

Start an Online Business

Countless women sooner or later come to the realization that they need increased flexibility in their lives. This is particularly true for new moms who are finding it hard to leave their baby behind when they return to work. Although there are a number of obstacles that will undoubtedly present themselves, running an online business while raising a family can turn out to be both a fulfilling and lucrative venture.

Whether you create a monetized blog or start your own e-commerce business, there are countless ways in which you can earn a living online. There are a number of superb online resources available that can help new moms establish a start-up. Sites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are also a great source of online opportunities for newly-empowered mothers.

When used correctly, the internet can be a great empowerment tool. Even new moms who are just looking to connect with other parents can find great joy on a reputable, safe online platform.

Thanks to Cindy Cummings

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