The major cause of an itchy rectum during pregnancy is hemorrhoids. These are swollen blood veins and vessels in the rectal area during pregnancy.
In pregnant women, hemorrhoids usually vary in sizes, ranging from as large as a grape to as small as a pea. Besides, they can protrude via the anus or develop inside the rectum.
Depending on the lady, they can be mildly uncomfortable and itchy or just painful and itchy. Sometimes, hemorrhoids can lead to rectal bleeding, especially when having a bowel movement.
Why Do Hemorrhoids Mainly Occur During Pregnancy?
Your developing uterus, an increase in your hormone progesterone, and constipation all make it highly likely that you will suffer from hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Your bulging uterus puts a lot of pressure on your pelvic veins and the lesser vena cava, a huge vein on your right side that receives blood from your lower limbs. This slows the flow of the blood from the lower part of your body and increases the pressure on the vessels around your uterus, making them swell and dilate.
Progesterone eases the walls of your vessels, enabling them to widen and swell more easily. It also leads to constipation by reducing the flow of matter in your intestinal system.
Constipation, a common effect during pregnancy, also aggravates or causes hemorrhoids because you strain when passing stool leading to hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are especially itchy during the 3rd trimester. Some ladies feel itchy when they get pregnant for the first time. And if you had hemorrhoids during your first pregnancy, you are more likely to experience them again during your subsequent pregnancies.
You can also develop hemorrhoids when delivering your baby (during the 2nd stage of labor).
It is also common to develop a thrombosed hemorrhoid. This is a blood clot that develops inside hemorrhoid resulting to a swollen, large lump. This kind of hemorrhoid is not only itchy but also painful and makes it hard to sit, walk, or move bowel.
Bleeding, discomfort and itchy anus from hemorrhoids are also quite common during the postpartum period.
An itchy rectum during pregnancy often disappears after giving birth especially if you can avoid constipation.
Avoiding Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy
You can easily prevent hemorrhoids (itchy anal) when pregnant using these ways:
* Avoid constipation by taking a high-fiber diet – These include a lot of fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains as well as taking 10 eight-ounce cups of pure water per day.
* Don’t wait to pass stool when you feel the urge – Have a bowel movement regularly and don’t strain.
* Don’t sit on your toilet for long – Avoid sitting on your toilet long because you will put more pressure on your rectal.
* Do kegel workouts daily – They increase the flow of blood in your rectal area and boost the muscles around your anus, decreases the chance of getting hemorrhoids. Also, the tone and strengthen the muscles around your urethra and vagina, which can help you to recover after delivering.
* Do not stand or sit for long – Whether you are at home or work, get up and stroll around for five minutes every one hour. While at home, rest on your side when watching TV, sleeping, or reading to relieve pressure from your rectal veins and boost the blood flow to the lower part of your body.
Treating Itchy Rectum During Pregnancy
We had a meeting with the CEO of Pranicura – Pruritus Ani ointment and he provided some very useful tips that you can follow to relieve yourself from the itchy anus during pregnancy:
* Use cold – It will reduce the itch, discomfort and swell. Here, you can place an ice part around your anus.
* Use heat – Another way of treating itchy bottom is to soak your butt in warm water for about 20 minutes at least thrice a day.
* Keep clean – Clean the itchy area thoroughly but gently after passing stool.
* Medication – Your doctor can subscribe some creams or medicines that will treat your condition. You might even want to check out a product like Venapro, which has many positive reviews.
Bottom Line
Consult your doctor if your home treatment methods don’t treat your itchy anus when pregnant or if you have rectal bleeding or severe pain.
Thanks to Stav Sarandiev
How to Treat Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy
September 20, 2018 by