10 Ways to make Your Text Better

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The writer is the person that not only entertains the reader but also gives them reasons to think, to cry and make vital decisions in their lives. That is why it is essential that the author ingenuously operates the language and makes hard things be understood in a simple way. Here, you will encounter some interesting advice on how to be a good and professional writer.

1. Check whether the sense of the beginning and end of the text coincide and have the same sense . If you don’t make a preliminary plan, things will not end the way you expect, and then something in the beginning of the text should be corrected.

2. Re-read the entire text and find all phrases written automatically, something you have encountered in many books, some really trivial phrases and try to paraphrase them to make them sound more natural but unique at the same time.

3. Remove anything that you really like, but the one that has certainly no relation to the development of the plot. Detailed descriptions of the appearance of the heroine, detailed descriptions of weapon, further detailed description of the heroine looks. You need to know your weaknesses. Get over yourself. It may be unpleasant at times, but it’s important.

4. If you write a text about yourself – make sure you have given the reader deep understanding who you are. Remember: the reader is not familiar with you, and what is obvious to you (e.g. age, some background information like your education, early years etc.), – not obvious to him.

5. Look for the longest sentences and try to split them to make them sound more natural and understandable. Remember the golden rule of the writer: sweet and short. Usually, people who provide online essay help tend to stick to this rule because academic texts should be understandable for people of all walks of life!

6. There is nothing more difficult than to transmit the emotions of the character through the words. At these moments, the author runs the risk to to go deep into banality or, on the contrary, gives rise to something terrible. If you are not sure 200 percent that you will cope with some descriptions put everything simply.

karl 17. Three times consider whether your text needs the title, especially if the text is small. Remember that the title is not obligatory. It is the way to enrich the text with an additional meaning. If you can do without a title – dispense with it. In case, you consider that the text desperately needs some title, make it as short as possible. Remember the magic formula: sweet and short? The complex title is needed only when the text will be perceived differently with it and without it.

8. Remove all the elision marks. Yes all. If you have lots of elision marks, the reader is free to assume that you either have nothing to say to him or you do not know how to articulate your idea and thoughts.

9. If you have a text about love, – please do not call the characters “He” and “She”. Try to use personal names and some interesting substitutes like metaphors where possible.

10. Remove the rain. It does not emphasize the universal sadness of your character any more, it emphasizes modesty of the creative palette of the author’s text.

Thanks to Karl Wittgenstein

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