About Stacey Huish
A Strong Powerful Game Changer!
A Speaker, Educator, Author and Lover of Life!
A free spirit who is affectionately known as the Game Changer. I am an earth healer, a heart healer, a lover of life, raising the vibration of love to help as many people as possible to live passionate, purpose filled lives, awaken the planet and enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold.
That is My Life!
That is my purpose for me being here!I am a Social Entrepreneur, 1 Million Women Ambassador, Africa Alive Ambassador and a Change Maker. A woman who puts her heart and soul into everything she does. A woman who loves people and loves life.
Ever since I was 5 years old, I have held strong my vision of building homes and schools for children all over the world. I have known since a very young age that this was and still is today my life purpose.
My life’s journey has taken me on many different paths and I have always returned to my purpose of building homes and schools.
I have taught numerous people from all walks of life and impacted life long change as a result.
Working in many different roles throughout life I have settled into my lifes’ passion and LOVE…… I AM committed to the commitment of those around me and to the success that shines as a result.
Outline Resume of Stacey Huish
Personal Details:
Name: Stacey Huish
Address: PO BOX 16190
Northpoint, QLD 4350Mobile: 0404 469 845
Email: stacey.freespirit@gmail.comQualifications:
Graduate Certificate in Business Majoring in Philanthropy and Not For Profit Studies
2016 QUT Gardens PointDiploma Practice Management
2016 Foundation EducationTAA Workplace Assessor and Trainer
2009 Australian College of Training and EmploymentCertificate IV Workplace Assessor and Trainer
2000 Sarina Russo Institute of TechnologyCertificate IV Business Management
1998 Logan City Business AcademyDiploma Business Management
1997 SouthBank Institute of TAFECertificate IV Business (Office skills and administration)
1995 SouthBank Institute of TAFENLP Master Practitioner
1999 NeuroadsTransforming Communication Instructor
2000 Transformations InternationalCertificate of Event and Festival Management
1999 The Australian Institute of Dramatic ArtsLife Coach
2002 National College of SuccessJustice of the Peace (Qualified)
2008Current St John ambulance First Aid Certificate
Renewed 2008
Founding Director of Generational Change Foundation (Not For Profit Organisation) in 2012 till Current
Published Author of 10 books
1 Million Women Ambassador
Stacey’s PEACE MISSION 2016
April 12, 2016 by