DATE: SEPT 20, 2015
‘Character & Culture … are an Inside Job!’
Join us for an unforgettable day of empowered women leaders celebrating World Peace Day 2015 together. Special Screening of the film documentary FEMME, directed by Emmanuel Itier, starring: Sharon Stone, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Shirin Ebadi and Mairead Maguire, Gloria Steinem, and more!
FEMME is an inspirational voyage about women around the world who are actively transforming and healing global society on a daily basis.
Our celebrated roster of Keynote Speakers include: Alicia Seifer, Author of “Rising Above Fear”
Amira Ayad, PhD, Leader in the holistic health sector
Judy K. Martene, Motivational speaker and Belief Integrationist
Lois White, Toronto Director of Youth for Human Rights
JOIN US on this day honouring some of the most heart driven humanitarian women leaders, as they share their Message of Peace. This event will highlight some of the changes our planet is facing in both the energetic and physical, embracing a New Paradigm of Thinking in areas of ‘how to’ collectively, through ways of Inner Healing, create a Future Peaceful Generation.
1 PM – 2:30 PM FEMME SCREENING & Emmanuel Itier Q & A: 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM
4 PM – 6 PM MEET & GREET with Speakers & Film Director/NETWORKINGEMAIL TO REGISTER:
FEMME is an inspirational voyage about women around the world who are actively transforming and healing global society of a daily basis. Starring Sharon Stone, Jean Houston, Marianne Williamson, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Riane Eisler, Nobel Peace Prize Laureats Shirin Ebadi and Mairead Maguire, Rickie Lee Jones, Gloria Steinem, and more!
Emmanual Itier will host audience live Q & A immediately following film screening, and will be available during ‘Meet & Greet’ session.
An experienced feature film Producer, Emmanuel Itier directed the thriller “Tell me no Lies” (2000) and the horror film “Scarecrow” (2002).
He completed in 2012 the Peace documentary “The Invocation” narrated by Sharon Stone and with Desmond Tutu, HH The Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra and many others worldwide peace activists. Emmanuel also produced the films “Wildflower” (1999) and “Scarecrow Slayers” (2003) among other pictures.
He also acted as a co-producer and financing consultant: “Johnny Mnemonic”, “Another 9 1/2 weeks”, “Shattered Image” (1998), “The Dentist” (1996), and “Progeny” (1999). In 2013 Mr. Itier executive-produced a Drama filmed in Hong Kong: Red Passage which will enter the Festival circuit in 2014. He also directed and co-wrote an action picture for The Asylum: ATTILA with ultimate fighter star Cheik Kongo. Emmanuel Itier has also been a successful Music and Film journalist for both Rock Magazines, French TV networks and the internet for the last twenty five years.
Itier has been a buyer for various French Film distribution companies for the last twenty years. He was on the board of directors of the Santa Barbara Film Festival for a decade and he writes poetry. He is also very involved with charities and the political world. He grew up in France and moved in the USA twenty five years ago. He resides in Santa Barbara, California with his wife and two sons.
Finally Emmanuel Itier released in late 2013 another inspiring documentary Celebrating Women around the planet: ‘FEMME-Women healing the World.‘ This Documentary earned several Awards around the World. Mr. Itier is now directing five documentaries in order to keep making Peace, One movie at a time. This new series is called The Universalis Collection: Documentaries for a Conscious Humanity.
Opening our morning session, we are elated to present a truly passionate Woman Leader, one with a focus on the transformation of ourselves through rising above fear, Alicia Seifert.
Her talk at our very special summit celebrating World Peace Day 2015 will target the affects of FEAR. Alicia’s philosophy dictates that FEAR is one of our world’s root causes to the disruption of peace in our world and that we today must over-come so to live in a world with a ‘Future Peaceful Generation‘. With statistics stating that by 2030 this planet will house up to 9.5 Billion people, the time is NOW to create that positive change.
Alicia will share her experience RISING ABOVE FEAR from the ‘Inside – Out’.
Fear is the number one reason that people do not follow their dreams. In this seminar, Alicia is going to share her own story of overcoming fear to follow her heart’s desires. She will offer tips on how you can get past the barriers that are holding you back to become the person that you were born to be.
With statistics stating that by 2030 this planet will house up to 9.5 Billion people, the time is NOW to create that positive change. This inspired woman started young, as you will read below.
Alicia will address the affects of fear and healing from the ‘Inside – Out’.
Alicia is a soon to be published author and is a founder of a non-profit organization that is aimed at giving youth the tools to success despite their socio-economic disadvantages.
Alicia has started coaching new business owners to help them set up their business efficiently and is a certified Dream Coach with Marcia Weider’s Dream University. She truly believes that entrepreneurship and following your dreams are the way to a successful and love-filled life and believes that we are all better off if everyone is pursuing their heart’s desires.
Alicia Seifert IS The Event Chick!
She started planning events at the tender age of 16 and hasn’t stopped in over 20 years since!
Alicia says: “When I was 16, I planned my first event funded by the money was making as a Library Page. It was a Black History Month event and the money was donated to the Sickle Cell Association of Ontario. I have a niece and nephew with Sickle Cell Anemia and I just wanted to do something to give to the cause in hopes that they could benefit from the research that is being done to help those who suffer from that disease.
What I did not count on, was falling in love!”
Alicia is a certified wedding planner with the WPIC and produces women’s wellness events. As a ‘geek at heart’ she also produces events for her fellow nerds who love comic books, video games, sci-fi and technology.
As a person who is passionate about the community and the importance of being involved in projects that somehow improve the lives of others, I have been pleased to have been involved with several charitable organizations that have allowed me the opportunity to share my love for planning while supporting noble causes.
strong>BONUS: “I’m very excited to be working on a weekend of events in October to celebrate International Day of the Girl Child! We have affectionately titled our events ‘Girl Hero Day!‘”
Alicia Seifert, WPICC, CDC
Event Visionary
The Event Chick
(416) 644-6461 Ayad, PhD will share her Message of Healing and Peace.
My name is Amira, I was trained as a pharmacist.
I used to teach at the faculty of pharmacy and had my Master degree in Pharmaceutics…
Years back, I was following a predetermined path, studying and preparing my master in pharmacy and working my way up the ladder of academia. But, other plans were meant for me. I had to take a leave after my second child was born. I had just finished my dissertation proposal and was ready to submit it. But, the faculty advisor refused. I had to return back to work for me to get my degree, something I couldn’t do with two young children at hand.
My only way out was to submit my resignation to be able to finish my master. I felt so frustrated. I cried and cried for days and weeks. I felt oppressed and forced into a decision that changed my whole life plans… my life dreams… But… Wait a minute… Were they really “MY” dreams? This tragic experience forced me to stop and reconsider my path… my life… my passions and my goals. Now that I am not tied to any academic career any longer, what do I really want to do?
As a pharmacist I knew how medication can relieve symptoms in no time, but I also knew how this can fool us into believing we’re healed… I experienced first hand how masking pain, depletion, and stresses with quick fixes can push our depression, anxiety and chronic illnesses deeper into our body turning acute transient discomfort into chronic pain and turning body whispers into screams. I witnessed Diseases and syndromes that we rarely heard of before becoming so common… I saw how we became experts at labelling our conditions, yet we failed miserably at healing them… We became caught in a vicious cycle, one disease leading to another… one medication leading to another… and we ended up on a cocktail of medications that drain our energy and our life saving.
My faculty experience taught me the meaning of TRUST… Trust my Creator, trust His Ultimate Plans and Wisdoms, trust life and its unexpected forks on the road, and trust myself and my choices. It taught me the importance of listening to my inner voice, to my deep heart whispers…
I followed my passion for natural life and living and decided to shift gears… I pursued my PhD in natural health, a path that I wouldn’t have considered if I was still among the faculty staff.
“…. Soon enough I wrote my thesis on the effect of spirituality on health… A radical right brain shift for a left brained scientist like myself. I then started my career in the natural health sector with a practice that combines the best of both worlds: Science with spirituality and functional nutrition with mind/body healing.
I became a Board Certified Holistic Health practitioner and Registered orthomolecular health consultant. I published 4 books: Healing Body & Soul, in 2008; The True Secret, in 2011, Body Whispers & Body Whispers Journal in 2015. I am now a faculty member at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto and practice private holistic nutrition consultation at Alexandria Medical Clinic in Mississauga with focus on Chronic disease, Anxiety and autoimmune illnesses.”
Judy Martene is an intuitive spiritual counselor; a heartful spiritual leader; known as the Belief IntegrationistTM, a creative visionary and a true and authentic facilitator for change.
Her passion is to inspire, to teach, to enable others to discover their purpose, to know who they are and why they came to this earth, to live their lives more freely, more fully and more fantastically. She is a catalyst in shifting consciousness and guiding those back to their authentic selves.
Judy is a graduate of the University of Life and currently working towards her Doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences and Counselling. She is empathetic, energetic, intuitive, expansive, passionate and a ’no bullshit facilitator. As others say, “if you want the truth, talk to Judy.”
Her life has been rough, tragic, traumatic, dramatic, amazing and wonderful!
Her earlier life as a child, as a teen and then as a young, single mother of five gifted her with painful first-hand experiences that she was able to turn around from ‘pain to gain’. She has over 35 years entrepreneurial experience in Business and in the Health and Wellness Industry. She has contributed significantly in a number of volunteer and leadership ways helping homeless youth, and abused women in her community.
She knows first-hand about mental illness as it has been prevalent in her family since her birth.
She believes that everyone can and will remember who they are and that everyone can connect with their Higher Power and live their sacred purpose.
Judy’s life has been so very ‘well-travelled’ and she uses her own remarkable journey to inspire, counsel, coach, mentor and guide others both locally and around the world.
She truly is a LIFE-CHANGER!!
1. I help those who feel DISCONNECTED from Source/God and Themselves Re Connect. As an Intuitive Spiritual Counselor, I am gifted with INSIGHT, KNOWLEDGE WISDOM and EXPERIENCE.
2. I help those discover their purpose on this planet, to remember who they are and why they came to this earth.
3. I am intuitive, receive words of knowledge, understand the LOA and how it shows up for everyone and assist people to shift.
Youth for a Future Peaceful Generation, Lois White
Our purpose at Youth for Human Rights Toronto is to educate youth and make human rights real to everyday people in everyday life. The human rights platform is based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights signed in 1948 with 193 countries who are signatories to it. There are 30 basic human rights listed under the Declaration and we continue to educate youth about these so that they can become advocates for these rights and apply them to the world around them, whether business, community, or the playground.
We are taking responsibility for human rights in our city of Toronto.
We are passionate about helping young entrepreneurs understand how human rights plays an important part in what they do. Helping them integrate human rights into their lifestyle and business practices.
Through various community activities and working with like-minded individuals and groups, we contribute to our purposes in teaching youth about human rights and inspire them to become advocates for tolerance and peace.Toronto is a multicultural community so it is imperative that we have our promotional materials in various languages as the need for translations has escalated.
Education – First School Club: Youth for Human Rights Clubs are starting in various educational institutions. Their mission is to outreach to as many students as possible, to solve human rights problems that matter to them and to be a club that actually makes a difference.
Our youth volunteers are educating the public through events and assisting YHR Toronto in spreading the word.
The youth have a powerful voice and can help tremendously in improving the world in which we live.
Youth are not being taught their basic human rights and this website contains educational materials including free education kits for educators, videos, public service announcements, posters, booklets, virtual classroom online learning and much more to increase human rights education, more specifically the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
My passion is to help youth and empower them to be the best they can be and be the change.
Their creative ideas and determination are an inspiration to other youth.
Further Surprise & Delight Details Coming Soon …and so much more! Master of Ceremonies: Catherine Anne Clark, Founder
Our founder is a truly inspired visionary, a woman that through a journey assisting another young woman experienced her ‘aha’ moment. This awakening showed her that our world’s Women needed to begin the Celebration of Positive Action on our globe that is being accomplished by many unsung and sung women leaders (Heroes).
She created the first global central hub for women activist/philanthropists.
Armed with over thirty years experience as an entrepreneur, with a history ranging from hospitality, financial planning, global commodity trade, manufacturing, child care, senior care and of course – motherhood, Catherine now acts as advocate for the Women of our World, celebrating the milestones of achievement of our world’s women leaders working on the front lines creating positive change in all areas of life.
Through the creation of our global Alumni of WOMEN of ACTION™, our advocacy, recognition, and celebration of these positive changes in the lives on this planet created by our members, we have become the first central global platform for all women leaders in philanthropy and their followers. Her WOMEN of ACTION™ are trailblazers in this millennium, with hundreds of women leaders on all continents. Pioneering the new woman’s movement, a new paradigm of thinking that only through female leadership and the achievement of “Equality of Women among Women” will our world ever see a sustainable socio-economic equality for any woman.
A C of W has celebrated the lives of hundreds of women leaders across the globe, reaching millions of their followers. Each feature showcases the lives of the woman and the work being done by her, with highlights of the positive ripples created by her accomplishments, through her drive to never give up on her mission.
“LOVE is my Religion”.”
JOIN US on this day honouring some of the most heart driven humanitarian women leaders, as they share their Message of Peace. This event will highlight some of the changes our planet is facing in both the energetic and physical, embracing a New Paradigm of Thinking in areas of life so to ‘Build a Future Peaceful Generation‘.
#WPD2015, “Character & Culture are an Inside Job!”
June 25, 2015 by