PANEL: Mental Health Treatment Modalities

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Sharon Purcell MSW, RSW: Therapist specializing in family dynamics, trauma, and overall mental health through SOMATIC EXPERIENCING.

Sharon-PurcellSomatic experiencing is a form of therapy aimed at relieving and resolving the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental and physical trauma-related health problems by focusing on the client’s perceived body sensations (or somatic experiences).

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is based on the understanding that symptoms of trauma are the result of a dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and that the ANS has an inherent capacity to self-regulate that is undermined by trauma. SE bases its approach on the science that mammals automatically regulate survival responses from the primitive, non-verbal brain, mediated by the autonomic nervous system.

In the wild animals spontaneously “discharge” this excess energy once safe. Involuntary movements such as shaking, trembling, and deep spontaneous breaths reset the ANS and restore equilibrium.

Humans disrupt this discharge through our enculturation, rational thinking, shame, judgments, and fear of our bodily sensations. Somatic Experiencing works towards restoring this inherent capacity to self-regulate by facilitating the release of energy and natural survival reactions stored during a traumatic event.

The healing process will bring you closer to the quality of life you desire.

My promise is to do everything in my power to help you achieve your goals, from the moment we meet until your last session.


JUDY K MARTENE – ASCENSION: “I have had a life full of trauma, drama, abuse, health problems, money issues, learning things the hardest way, yet here I am to say, that I started making quality decisions to change my life and I stand as an example for you. I gladly share my wisdom to inspire and empower you, to live your life in the way you wish for yourself; your gifts and callings are waiting for you to live your highest desires.


Knowing what I know and living it has radically changed my life from victim to survivor and then to thriver. My experiences and wisdom is to be shared with those that want to be the change they wish to see in their world.

I am intuitive, receive words of knowledge, understand the LOA and how it shows up for everyone and assist people to shift. I teach others to remember who they are, show them how to connect to source and teach them to hear their higher self/God/ Source/ Universe voice.

I teach by example on how to tune into their own guidance system.

I show others how to remember their passions and gifts and how to live their dreams all while serving themselves and the world. My passion is to inspire, teach, support, to be a conduit for healing, I am gifted with creative visions, through my art as writer and leadership skills. I am a catalyst for positive change and I continually seek to work from my heart.

I am also called to help people transition to the other side and to help others with Ascension Symptoms.


Victoria Lorient-FaibishPSYCHOTHERAPY: I hold a Masters degree in Educational Psychology and I am a Certified Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association as well as a member of the Ontario and American Polarity Therapy Associations. I have been in practice since 1990 and in addition to my traditional psychotherapy training; I have over 8 years of training in eastern philosophy body-centred modalities including Polarity Therapy, Reiki, New Decision Therapy and Craniosacral. I offer an East meets West, holistic approach to psychotherapy in which a foundational process is provided as the framework for profound self awareness and transformation.

fabish victoriaI am a relationship expert and I work with traditional talk therapy either individually or with couples. And I also I include life coaching, visualization and somatic focusing. I integrate the body centred work to assist in the integration of the new information gained by the client and to maintain groundedness as the emotional unfolding occurs.

Primarily people come to my office because they are very ready to change that which is no longer working for them either in terms of their relationship to self or others. I hold this space and intention in a very focused way. We work with family of origin issues, unresolved patterns of behaviour, grief & loss, depression, codependency, anxiety, addictions, marital strife, parenting, mother, father, & sibling issues, life purpose issues, workplace disharmony, repetition/compulsion distress, poor self esteem, conflict resolution, trauma, eating disorders and anything else that is compromising a person from fully living in joy, ease, well being, health and happiness. This work is wonderfully effective for those who are dealing with chronic emotional lack of ease.

I provide brief and long-term Transformational Holistic Psychotherapy, Motivation and Inspiration, Life Coaching, Parts Integration Therapy, Stress-Reduction, New Decision Therapy™, Couples Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Craniosacral, Reiki, and Trauma Therapy.

Find Your “Self-Culture”: Moving From Depression and Anxiety to Monumental Self-Acceptance

About the book: Depression and Anxiety are at an all time high right now. But there is a paradigm shift going on right now. It is beckoning you to awaken to the monumental real self within—your “Self-Culture”! If you have not yet found your self-culture—your authentic, instinctive self—you are not living the life the Universe intends for you, and you may be entrenched in a cycle of feeling unhappy, guilty, negative, trapped and anxious.

The planet needs us to unearth the profound joy that lives inside so that we have the disposition to give of ourselves to others. But we cannot do this without first filling our own cups. Find Your “Self-Culture” takes you on a journey of case studies, exercises and teachings from Victoria Lorient-Faibish’s twenty years of working with clients in her busy practice as a holistic psychotherapist.


JENNA SMITH – ONTOLOGICAL THERAPY: “I specialize in re-wiring you to living a life you dream, a life you desire and know within you is YOURS. And help you to learn to manage anything in the way of that- especially yourself. You walk away with a tool kit to living your awesome life, and the experience of what that feels like to just BE.” Jenna Smith

jenna smithNo matter what your projects or goals, your age or circumstance; Mastering how to master yourself is the foundation needed to fully expand into your potential. Ontological coaching realigns you with your most authentic, and magnificent self. This is who we are at birth. Certain circumstances in life cause a separation from us knowing and utilizing our full potential in everyday life.

The effects of this include: low energy, feeling insecure, a sense of aimlessness in life, relationship trouble, blocks to success, mood disorders, health challenges, and worst of all a resignation that “this is all there is”. This simply is not true. Learn how to live a life with Peace, Power, and Presence.

You are your Essence, and living from this state is the highest form of wealth one can imagine.

Ontological Coaching allows you to explore the science and philosophy of being. As your ontological coach I can guide you to become the person you were meant to be, and achieve everything that goes along with it. Most importantly, I will guide you, support you, teach you and hold you to this outcome. I do this with complete non-judgement. We all got where we are by doing our very best. I acknowledge you for getting this far in life, no matter your circumstances, age or history.


Marnee Buckles – the Behaviour Interventionist has worked for over 30 years in education, and is trained in instructing Crisis Prevention Intervention. She has delivered workshops to staff and developed behaviour programs for York Region District School Board as a Behaviour Specialist.

MarneebucklesWith an undergraduate degree in Health Education and administrative qualifications, she has accumulated certifications in other behaviour methods such as Choice Theory by Dr. William Glasser. The work of other behaviour specialists such as Dr Ross Greene and Barbara Colorosa are incorporated in to this work from extensive study and training.

Marnee has taught adolescents who were incarcerated, behaviour classes, and worked in both the elementary and secondary panels as a Special Education Specialist. She recently returned from teaching on a Native Reserve as a Behaviour Specialist/Administrator. From this field of experience and training, she can deliver behaviour strategies suited to your specific needs.

Disruptive behaviours may be a result of social/emotional concerns, learning disabilities including ADHD, or diagnoses such as OCD, ODD or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Consultations can provide immediate strategies based on observed behaviours and descriptions of the antecedents and consequences.

The Behaviour Interventionist will provide valuable strategies to model with children and adolescents.


Clair Kerr-Zlobin – PPMD, REAL PARENTS REAL CHALLENGES REAL HELP: The Life With A Baby peer support system is a project of Healthy Start, Healthy Future, a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to provide ongoing practical and emotional PEER-based support for new and expecting parents, and parents of children up to the age of six. We offer informational seminars and programs, open forums, and fun social events.

Claire Kerr ZlobinOur Achievements
With 8000 parents and caregivers and 12,000 children taking part in the program over the past five years (and growing at an average of 320 new participants each month), our program has been proven to help reduce postpartum mood disorders significantly. The Life With A Baby program supports new moms in reducing social isolation, loneliness and boredom, which can lead to depression if not addressed.

Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to strengthen families and communities by providing on-going support for new and expectant parents, informational seminars to educate and manage expectations and an open forum for discussing the challenges parents face adjusting to life with a baby.

How Our Program Helps You – Life With a Baby was founded by Claire Kerr-Zlobin, a new mom facing social isolation, loneliness and PPMD symptoms. LWAB is a group of parents who help other parents by sharing experiences, meeting with each other and organizing parent and baby Workshops, programs and events.

Raising a baby is a wonderful experience, but it is can also be a challenge… When you become a member, you will be welcomed into a supportive, non-judgmental family whose members come from various cultural backgrounds; many are multi-lingual (Russian, French, Filipino, Spanish, Hebrew, Hindi, Punjabi and more). Our unique approach will help you overcome some of the challenges you face as a new mom so that you can enjoy your new baby and maintain a happy, healthy family dynamic.

Through an evaluation, it’s been proven that our peer support programs help reduce the isolation and anxiety that most new moms face, and in turn, minimize the likelihood of moms feeling alone and developing PPMD symptoms.


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