Child Sacrifices Tied To Vatican, Mafia, Canadian PM Stephen Harper (Video)
Quebec Archbishop Gérald Cyprien Lacroix formally inducted as a cardinal by Pope Francis at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome on Feb. 22 (Getty Images)
Ottawa police, Interpol operatives, journalists in Rome and members of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, European Parliament and Jesuit Order, plus investigators for the International Common Law Court in Brussels have contributed to this article.
Two children were raped and killed as part of Pope Francis’ Feb.22 Cardinal inauguration of Quebec Archbishop Gerald Lacroix according to a report filed yesterday at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Eyewitnesses claimed Cardinal Lacroix, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s senior cabinet minister Denis Lebel participated in the rape and human sacrifice of a five or six year-old boy and a small girl.
The killings were said to take place after midnight in the basement chambers of Jesuit Headquarters next to the Church San Lorenzo Piscibus in Rome. The Italian mafia Ndrangheta supplied children for these Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifices through an office at the Vatican according to documents filed at the ICLCJ Court.
“We received a report that the children were murdered in the Catholic Jesuit headquarters” stated Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State which assisted prosecution for the ICLCJ Court.”
One source said a boy was sacrificed around midnight in the presence of Cardinal Lacroix and Denis Lebel. Evidently later that evening ‘the top guy’ killed a small girl. By that we assume he meant Jesuit Superior Adolfo Pachon.”
“Cardinal Lacroix, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Denis Lebel, the Ninth Circle and it’s mafia arm Ndrangheta are already under investigation for the planned sacrifice of two children in Westmount Quebec on Aug. 15, plus the Sept. 28 death of Head of Ottawa’s Human Trafficking Division Kal Ghadban and were considered prime suspects in the October 22 shooting of soldier Nathan Cirillo in Canada’s capital,” said Annett. “Our sources come from the Ottawa police, Interpol operatives, journalists in Rome and members of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, European Parliament and Jesuit Order in Rome.”
In Quebec last Aug. Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members appeared to be preparing for human sacrifices of two children when they were arrested by deputies from the ICLCJ Court assisted by Montreal police including the now-deceased Head of Ottawa’s Human Trafficking Division Kal Ghadban. Evidence collected at the scene included blood samples from a stone altar, metallic torture devices, ceremonial swords and sophisticated film equipment containing child pornography. One of the suspects later confessed that the two children to be killed were being held in a special facility at McGill University in Montreal. The informant was granted protective custody and flown to the ICLCJ Court in Brussels.
In a Sept. nine-day sting 30 Romanian children targeted for human sacrifice were rescued and over 2 tons of drugs seized by European INTERPOL police. Evidence from recent pedophilia and murder cases of the ICLCJ Court helped the INTERPOL police arrest 1027 suspected Ndrangheta mafia and Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members from six countries.
The INTERPOL arrests and Canadian and Rome child sacrifices received little or no media attention in Canada or the US. News of the Ndrangheta mafia’s role in inspector Ghadban’s death and their supply of children for the Montreal and Rome child sacrifices where Lebel and Lacroix were present could easily topple the Harper government.
An ITCCS release stated, “The Canadian government’s talk of new police powers and the media hysteria that followed Cirillo’s shooting were an obvious distraction. Denis Lebel is crucial right now in Harper’s upcoming election hopes to win Quebec for his party.”
Influence of the Vatican and Canadian government-directed Ndrangheta appeared to play into not only the Canadian and Rome Ninth Circle child sacrifices, but the recent deaths of two Canadian policemen. “Our Unit Commander in Brussels believes that the head of Ottawa’s Human Trafficking Division Kal Ghadban was killed due to his willingness to investigate Ninth Circle rituals in Canada. Ghadban had assisted the disruption of a Ninth Circle cult ritual that was to sacrifice two children in Montreal on August 15th, says Annett.
On Monday, Oct. 20 ITCCS Directors received evidence of the Feb. that child sacrifices in Rome involving Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s senior cabinet minister Denis Lebel and Quebec Archbishop-now-Cardinal Gerald Lacroix.
The staged killing of policeman Nathan Cirillo occurred two days later.
“Ultimately this is all about covering for the big money, which means the Italian criminal syndicate Ndrangheta that provides children for Ninth Circle rituals” stated Annett. “We suspect a Ndrangheta member killed Ottawa police inspector Kal Ghadban on September 28 after he’d helped stop the Montreal child sacrifices in August. Apparently, Ghadban knew of Denis Lebel’s and Gerald Lacroix’s involvement in the Ninth Circle ritual and he planned to bring charges against both men. To me the death of Ghabdan confirms that federal politicians in Canada are linked to the Catholic Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult and Harper’s government couldn’t have an honest cop tied to working to expose their crimes.”
Along with the criminal syndicate Ndrangheta, the ICLCJ Court was also considering Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult connections to Pope Francis, food giant Cargill, Sinclair Oil, Cameco Uranium Corporation and Europe’s convicted mafia money-laundering bank HSBC.
An ITCCS press release stated: “Big money” includes as well Minister Lebel’s ties to those global resource companies affected by his decisions as federal Transport and Infrastructure minister: companies like Power Corporation, Cargill, Sinclair Oil and others whose officers have been named as participants in child trafficking and Ninth Circle child sacrifice rites.”
Children across the globe appeared to be regularly kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered by the Vatican-directed Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members according to over 60 eyewitnesses who since 2011, have testified before the ICLCJ Court. “The Rome child sacrifices happened in the San Lorenzo Jesuit-run International Youth Center on the same day Lacroix was inaugurated a Cardinal by Pope Francis” claimed the eyewitness informant to the event.
“And that wasn’t the first child sacrifice at San Lorenzo. February 21 and 22 are the ancient Roman festivals of Feralia and Terminalia when animals and children are sacrificed in memory of the dead.”
Cardinal Lacroix was a member of Catholic Archbishop Bernard Fellay’s notorious St. Pius X Society. The SSPX, a Catholic cult connected to the Ndrangheta crime syndicate, remained in negotiations with Pope Francis to be readmitted into the Roman Catholic Church.
The ITCCS and its Canadian affiliates planned to establish an ongoing inquiry into the Lebel – Lacroix connection, the murder of Officer Kal Ghadban and the role of Ndrangheta and the Vatican in Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper government operations. “We will be seeking a new round of trials of those connected to these killings and the Canadian government’s involvement with Ndrangheta and the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult” Annett stated.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Pope Joseph Ratzinger were among 30 global elites found guilty in the first ICLCJ Court that addressed 50,000 missing native children. See above video. A few days later Pope Ratzinger resigned from office. In August the ICLCJ Court found Jesuit Superior Aldofo Pachon guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, along with Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury Jason Welby. A few days later Pachon announced his resignation.
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About the Author
Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” ( is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on hundreds of blogs and websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau ( If you have news tips about child abuse issues please email Judy [email protected]. You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here.
Ninth Circle Killing, Judy Byington *Take Action!
November 7, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: Contributors, FEATURED, Government Speaks to our Women, WOMEN GENDER EQUITY ISSUES Tagged With: A Celebration of Women,, Argentine military, Devil, government., Harper Cabinet, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, Judy Byington, Nazi, Ndrangheta, Ninth Circle, Ninth Circle Killing, ritual killings, Satanism, Stephen Harper, STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING, trafficking of children
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