“The Right of Peoples to Peace,” September 21

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The International Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is observed annually on 21 September. It is dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone for humanitarian aid access. The day was first celebrated in 1982, and is kept by many nations, political groups, military groups, and peoples. In 2013, for the first time, the Day was dedicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to peace education, the key preventive means to reduce war sustainably.

800px-UN_Japanese_Peace_Bell_2To inaugurate the day, the United Nations Peace Bell is rung at UN Headquarters (in New York City). The bell is cast from coins donated by children from all continents except Africa, and was a gift from the United Nations Association of Japan, as “a reminder of the human cost of war”; the inscription on its side reads, “Long live absolute world peace“.

Each year on September 21, the UN invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities and commemorate the International Day of Peace through education and public awareness on issues related to peace. In the quest for peace, UPF and its Ambassadors for Peace around the world organize commemorations of the International Day of Peace each year.

The theme for 2014 is “The Right of Peoples to Peace,” marking the 30th anniversary of the UN General Assembly Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace. This anniversary offers a unique opportunity to reaffirm the United Nations commitment to the purposes and principles upon which the Organization was founded. The Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace recognizes that the promotion of peace is vital for the full enjoyment of all human rights. Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.

2013-09-09-international_peace_day_logo_lg-thumbTo mark the 30th anniversary of the General Assembly Declaration on the Right of Peoples to PeacePDF document, the theme of this year’s International Day of Peace is the “Right of Peoples to Peace”. This anniversary offers a unique opportunity to reaffirm the United Nations commitment to the purposes and principles upon which the Organization was founded. The Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace recognizes that the promotion of peace is vital for the full enjoyment of all human rights.

The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by resolution 36/67PDF document of the United Nations General Assembly to coincide with its opening session, which was held annually on the third Tuesday of September.

The first Peace Day was observed in September 1982.

In 2001, the General Assembly by unanimous vote adopted resolution 55/282PDF document, which established 21 September as an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire.

The United Nations invites all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace.

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Argentina: International Day of Peace Poetry Contest theme for 2014: “Roads and Bridges to Peace
Italy: Sports competitions in Monza.
Nigeria: Invitation to nominate people as “Peace-Loving Global Citizens
Canada: GLOBAL WOMEN’S PEACE SUMMIT 2014 – Toronto, ON – September 21, 2014 – Details to Come!

International Day of Peace observances may include:

Reading UN and UPF statements about the International Day of Peace
Observing one minute of silence
A forum on the theme chosen by the United Nations
Prayers and readings from various religions (English | French, which can be read as representatives of various religions each light a candle or pour water into a common bowl
Music, art, dances, and food from various cultures
A march, rally, service project, or sports event (for examples, click here)

Reports from UPF chapters that organized programs in 2013.


A Celebration of Women™ is the first and only global advocacy organization where Women Leaders are being ‘celebrated’ for spearheading positive philanthropic action collectively on one central stage, the world hub. A global transformation of the women’s movement has begun; and we are on track celebrating each step made closer to gender equality through our global central platform we affectionately have dubbed The World Hub for Women Leaders that Care. Celebrating Positive Action created through the Three C’s of True Leadership: Caring, Compassion & Courage”.

Through the creation of our Alumni of WOMEN of ACTION™, our advocacy, recognition, and celebration of these positive changes in the lives on this planet created by our members, we have become the first central global platform for all women leaders and their followers.

Our WOMEN of ACTION™ are trailblazers in this millennium. Pioneering the new woman’s movement, a new paradigm of thinking that only through female leadership and the achievement of “Equality of Women among Women” will our world ever see a sustainable socioeconomic equality for any woman.

True to its advocacy mandate, A Celebration of Women™ is the only world hub for all women’s philanthropic groups to celebrate their founders, members, associates and those ‘paying forward‘ in a global effort to collaborate in our mission, vision and Take Action to help us achieve our collective goals.


On September 21, 2014, we will be hosting in Toronto, Canada our GLOBAL WOMEN’S PEACE SUMMIT 2014.


Montecassino Hotel and Event Venue
3710 Chesswood Dr Toronto
ON M3J2W4 Canada
TIME: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
INQUIRIES: 647 393-2125

monte 2







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