What is the DNA of business success in disruptive times? How can you sift through complexity and focus on what will create ideation, innovation, traction, business development and growth? Are you going to let it fall apart or are you going to be proactive and find things like executive coaching that can help your business cope better? Develop a balance of engagement, empowerment and accountability that drives results? Optimization of talent and potential at the speed of change is mirrored in my 3Q Leadership™ model, articles, work and the results my clients achieve. I believe in the power of human being better, the power of building 3Q skills that GROW with every win, challenge, stressor and even failure. Counter-intuitive? You betcha, but the road forward is a new path. Here is an infographic and seven insights on business success in disruptive times.
Step 1. Systematize! Align your business strategy with objectives (KPMG Transformation Survey: Business Transformation and the Corporate Agenda ©2014) and make sure that your financial/business reporting systems AND the systems you use to monitor hiring/training/rehiring/talent optimization as well as suspect, prospect and strategic partnership pipelines are well oiled and working. Make empowerment, engagement, financial and business accountability real. Your horizon can change in a bleep, being prepared means an alignment of strategy, objectives and real time information; a 360 degree snapshot of each area of business importance!
Step 2. Build Your 3Q Leadership Edge™-Essential skills that grow at the speed of change.
Build three critical areas of strength that are modeled by your leadership, honed by your management, taught to your employees and used to reach, engage and satisfy your clients, prospects and the communities you serve. 3Q Leadership™ Strengths built by optimizing talent/potential and learning how to — USE changes, challenges, stressors and failures to build and optimize IDEATION Q1: Ideation, strategic thought, focus on what counts, ability to learn-relearn. EMOTION Q2: Emotional Intelligence: Communication, collaboration, resiliency, risk tolerance INTEGRITY Q3: Integrity of Purpose, Communication & Action: Values, integrity and the using intrinsic motivators as anchors. Optimize, humanize, monetize with ideation, emotion and integrity.
Step 3. Get the info YOU need, go to the source! (©2012 Harvard Business Review “Listen to Your Frontline Employees” by Anthony K. Tjan) The best sources of information are the employees who are at the front lines of your business actively dealing with your clients. Do you get regular input from employees at the front line? Have you established a great system of vertical and horizontal communication, of employee engagement and participation? Do you have a system of surveying and engaging current clients, of reaching out to find out what they like, what they need and how you can help in a greater way. Do you have a social media program (internal, external or both) that is meeting your growing needs and objectives? The human bond, the human relationship whether planted and cared for person to person or through social media channels is the most important bond you have.
Step 4. Develop a Community of Purpose: Business sustainability and YOUR attractiveness factor rely upon shared values and objectives. What are the values and business objectives that your company lives and breathes? Are YOU using your values, your objectives, the integrity of your purpose and commitment to ALL constituents (employees, clients, prospects, strategic partners, stakeholders, the actual and virtual communities you serve) to build a strong community of purpose?
Step 5. Don’t Just Train-Retain and GROW Skills! The best training in the world helps, but it is not enough. Training that sticks is training that is accompanied by coaching, or a form of follow-up to make the training stick. Cookie cutter sells, but if you want to train and retain it is critical to find not only a high integrity, excellent provider who understands your needs, goals and objectives but a person or organization that will go the extra mile by providing the collateral support you need to make the training stick!
Step 6. Engage with MBWA. Peter Drucker coined the term: Management By Walking Around decades ago, and while command and control leaders often ascribe this to taking a stroll through the general office and peaking in cubes to make sure everyone is working; MBWA is an exercise is humanization, in reaching out to the people who work for you and developing rapport. Success is a human factor, and it begins with the people you lead and manage. Do they know you? Do they like you? Do they trust you? If you can answer yes to all three questions, the imperative for MBWA is still critical because you need to maintain employee relationships in disruptive times where rampant disengagement is a workplace pandemic.
Step 7. Do More Good Work. Put your great company, products and services in the limelight. Give back in a way that differentiates your company. Feed the souls of your people and your community. Find a new way to involve more of your staff in a CSR initiative, or find a community project that a department or business unit can champion. Pick a charity, cause or community development project and partner with them! Show your community that you care and they will care back!
Yes, your business is all about creating value for others, and doing so in disruptive times means getting clear about what really matters. Corporate governance and financial management are bedrocks, but they will not generate business, they will not fill your pocketbook without a value proposition that hits the heart and soul of your clients, your prospects and furthermore engages new strategic partners and alliances as well as the community you serve, and the digital community that follows you.
More on 3Q Business, Leadership Development and Talent Optimization? YOU Betcha!
Business at the Speed of Change | A Collection of Over 200 Articles
Talent Optimization | A Collection of Over 500 HR, Teamwork, Workplace and Career Articles
Communicating for Success | A Collection of Over 80 Communication Articles
MORE? YOU betcha! Had to include a link for fellow marketing and social media buffs!
An Excellent Collection of Over 900 Social Media and Marketing Articles & InfographicsAre you ready to go from Now to HOW? Get re-inspired by what you can achieve at the speed of change/challenges? Recharge, refocus, repurpose, repower? Build YOUR 3Q Leadership, Career, Business Development or Talent Optimization Edge?
What is the DNA of Business Success in Disruptive Times? 7 Insights
(Bonus: Latest KPMG Report on Business Transformation, Harvard Business Review Article and Over 1,080 bonus links!)Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | IQ-EQ-SQ for Reach-Resonance-Results Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training and Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
Face to face and/or virtually by telephone, video conferencing or skype!
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7 Insights into DNA of Business Success in Disruptive Times?
March 19, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: BUSINESS, CONTRIBUTORS, INSPIRATIONAL BLOGS, Uncategorized, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World! Tagged With: 3Q Leadership™ Strengths, 7 Insights into DNA of Business Success, acelebrationofwomen.org, business success, business tips, how to, in Disruptive Times, Irene Becker
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