“The Contributions of Women, the Young and Civil Society to the Post-2015 Development Agenda.”
On 6-7 March, 2014, the United Nations General Assembly is hosting a high-level event entitled, “The Contributions of Women, the Young and Civil Society to the Post-2015 Development Agenda.”
This event, designed to build on the already substantial contributions of women, youth and civil society to the post-2015 debate, will address a number of cross-cutting issues relevant including gender equality (access to education, health, gainful employment, financial and economic inclusion, etc), and will explore the role of civil society and youth while taking into account tenets of transparency and inclusion. The event will be live streamed so that you can follow all of the proceedings.
The event, which will consist of an opening plenary, interactive multi-stakeholder panel discussions and a closing plenary, features post-2015 high-level decision makers from various governments, civil society, and the private sector. The event will provide participants with the opportunity to delve into key development issues including (but not limited to):
1. How can the post-2015 development agenda address the diverse and intersecting inequalities that challenge inclusive sustainable development prospects on the basis of income, gender, age, race/ethnicity, disabilities and other factors of marginalization?
2. What measures must be taken and what accountability and transparency mechanisms should be established to ensure that women, young people and civil society are given the space to actively and meaningfully engage in shaping, implementing and monitoring the post-2015 agenda at all levels?
3. How do Member states envision that the rights and needs of all women and young people will be reflected in the post-2015 development agenda?
4. How can the UN system better support efforts at the national, regional and global levels towards reducing inequality and discrimination?
5. Can meaningful metrics (goals and/or targets) be devised to ensure that women and young people are not left behind in the post-2015 development agenda at all levels?
As part of the inclusive nature of the event, for the next two weeks are seeking questions from you—the AINA community, related to the topic, particularly with respect to inequality. All questions will be gathered and selected questions from the AINA community will be publicly addressed at this event.
In order to submit your question for consideration at this high-level event, please submit your question on the front page of the AINA website, under the category “United Nations President of the General Assembly’s High-Level Event on the Contributions of women, young and civil society: Questions from the AINA Community” Please submit your questions no later than 28 February, 2014.
To find out if your question was selected, please follow the event via livestream. A link to the livestream will be available on the AINA site at www.worldwewant2015.org/inequalities
Thank you for your participation in this extremely important event, and making your voice heard in these vital debates.
Tricia Callender
Addressing Inequalities Networked Alliance (AINA Manager)
Contributions of Women .. Post-2015 Development Agenda
February 17, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AMERICAN [U.S.A.], FEATURED EVENTS, Government Speaks to our Women, Uncategorized, WOMEN GENDER EQUITY ISSUES, WORLD EVENTS, YOUTH of ACTION™ Tagged With: acelebrationofwomen.org, contributions of women, girls, Mar 6/7, NYC, post 2015, Post-2015 Development Agenda, UN, UN General Assembley, women.
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