2014 Calendar of Holocaust Remembrance Events

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The 2014 observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust is centred around the theme “Journeys through the Holocaust”. This theme recalls the various journeys taken during this dark period, from deportation to incarceration to freedom, and how this experience transformed the lives of those who endured it.

7 November 2013, Rosenberg Diary photographed and scanned at the Hagley Museum in Wilmington, Delaware under Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement supervision

These are stories of pain and suffering, yet ultimately also of triumph and renewal, serving as a guiding force for future generations. EVENTS CALENDAR

New Educational Materials

The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme is partnering with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to make a new film resource and educational package available to educators around the world in all United Nations official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.

dvdposterThe film, The Path to Nazi Genocide, was produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and subtitled by the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme.

Together with an article and timeline on the Holocaust, the DVD will be distributed to the global network of United Nations Information Centres and teachers to assist them in introducing the Holocaust to students.

Using rare footage, the film examines the Nazis’ rise and consolidation of power in Germany and explores their ideology, propaganda, and persecution of Jews and other victims. It also outlines the path by which the Nazis and their collaborators led a state to war and to the murder of millions of people. By providing a concise overview of the Holocaust and those involved, this resource is intended to provoke reflection and discussion about the role of ordinary people, institutions and nations between 1918 and 1945.

To stream the DVD in the classroom in English and obtain additional educational resources, please visit www.ushmm.org. Educators may request a copy of the DVD with subtitles by writing to holocaustremembrance@un.org.

The film is intended for adult viewers, but selected segments may by appropriate for younger audience.

“This film, produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, examines the Nazis’ rise and their consolidation of power in Germany. Using rare footage, the film explores their ideology, propaganda, and persecution of Jews and other victims. It also outlines the path by which the Nazis and their collaborators led a state to war and to the murder of millions of people. By providing a concise overview of the Holocaust and those involved, this resource is intended to provoke reflection and discussion about the role of ordinary people, institutions, and nations between 1918 and 1945”.

This film was made possible by generous support from Dr. Donald and Sue Hecht, the Bernice and Milton Stern Foundation, the Louis and Henrietta Blaustein Foundation and the May Family Endowment for Civic Responsibility.

YouTube – United States Holocaust Museum


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