It’s the last day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. There’s still time to#orangeurworld with actions!
I am Aldijana Sisic, and I am the Campaign Manager for the UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women Campaign. I am wearing orange because women and girls fight their daily battles hoping that one day they will have their human right to live a life free of violence.
For real changes in women’s and girls’ lives, actions have to take place at the local, family, community and national levels. In our own homes, we must raise our children to believe that violence against women and girls is wrong, and not part of our culture or our way of living. At the international level, we must continue to seek laws and policies that protect women’s and girls’ rights and prevent violence. This is why the UN Secretary-General launched a UN system-wide campaign, calling upon people from all walks of life to take action. Everyone has a role to play in stopping this violence.
Today, I am asking you to take one action with me. Wear something orange, share your photo and tell us why you wear orange at
You can also tweet your photo and message to @SayNO_UNiTE using the hashtags #Iwearorangebecause and #orangeurworld.
Thank you for your actions.
Aldijana Sisic,
UNiTE Campaign Manager and Chief of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against WomenPS: Don’t forget to join us today on Twitter for the ALL-DAY #HumanRightsDay tweetathon on ending violence against women and girls! Follow #16days, ask your questions and share your actions
I am Aldijana Sisic and I wear orange because…
December 10, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CA-- USES, WOMEN Taking ACTION, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World! Tagged With: #celebrationhouse, A Celebration of Women,, Aldijana Sisic, campaign, Celebration House, girl's rights, girls, HUMAN RIGHTS, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, prevent violence, Sexual slavery, UNiTE to End Violence against Women, VAW, violence against girls, violence against women., women's rights, women.
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