Workplace Stress? I’m NOT STRESSED! (Help for Those in Denial)


Depositphotos_4267477_xsEver dream of destroying the office copy machine or telling your boss where he or she can stick those urgent reports? If so, there’s a good chance you deal with workplace stress. It is a common affliction among employees of all ages, shapes and sizes.

Stress does not just make a bad day feel worse. It also damages a person’s physical and mental health. WebMD reports that stress-induced anxiety can weaken the body’s immune system, cause short-term memory loss and even lead to a heart attack. It can also increase depression and stir up suicidal thoughts.

Nearly 40 million adults, according to WebMD, suffer from anxiety disorders brought on by stress. Denying stress is not the way to deal with it. Making changes to reduce stress is the better option.

Identify Stress Triggers

Stress is not some mystical entity that permeates the galaxy like the force from “Star Wars.” It has root causes. You can find ways to eliminate stress once you discover the sources.

Identify what people or things trigger stress. Create solutions to deal with stress triggers in a healthy and productive way. Finding the right solution can take time and patience, but is worth it. In his 16 Rules for Survival, Bob Parsons, the founder of, noted that people can get through any difficult situation through tackling it one day at a time.

Improve Your Fitness

You can reduce a ton of stress simply by making time to take care of your body. Eat healthy foods and avoid skipping meals. Fatty or sugary foods do not produce comfort, but only lead to diabetes, heart disease and other serious health problems.

Make time to exercise either before or after work. Doing physical activities produce a natural outlet for releasing pent up negative energy. It also improves your fitness and makes you feel better with how you look and feel.

Change Your Environment

Altering your surroundings can promote a better mood. It can be as simple as listening to soothing music. It can mean putting up relaxing images of nature or animals as your screen saver.

Eliminate the “noise” in your environment that angers the blood. Take a break from technology by committing to answering work-related emails, text messages and phone calls only during your actual workday.

Change Your Attitude

Attitude really is everything. If you think positive, you will feel positive. The first step toward creating positive energy is withdrawing from negative communication and building positive relationships.

Withdraw from office gossip. Constantly complaining about a boss or co-worker will only magnify whatever problems you blame on them. And spend time bonding with family and friends outside of work so you do not feel isolated after a tough day.

Build a Better Schedule

Working hard can be an admirable trait, but working smart is better for combating stress. Avoiding long hours at the office can give you greater control over your life.

The Mayo Clinic suggests improving time management through setting realistic goals, listing priorities and protecting your time. Resist attempting to do everything at once. You will create a better balance between your work and personal life. Take occasional breaks from work and set aside time to do hobbies or activities you enjoy after work.

Jason Roberts
Jason is a teacher who spends his summers backpacking, camping and biking across through America’s national parks.


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