Women Caught Between Integrity and Deviation



Women Caught Between Integrity and Deviation

Women share with men the physical, as well as the spiritual roles of life in the process of human integration.

Both men and women give much of their capabilities to the movement of existence, the vitality of love, the creativity of knowledge, and the spirituality of giving.

Talking about women’s morals within the mental & the behavioral spheres is long and divergent. It seems that women are to blame for their moral straightness and deviation through the balance they make in the practical control over the issue of the veil, sex and in running their life in general as if they were a devil, a curse, and an object of seduction.

sidewalk-flowerYet, the balanced view of the real study of the present and the past human deviation, affirms that men play the most efficient role in drawing the character of women towards the negative moral side, so as to become objects in men’s world rather than human beings sharing men their life, doll they play with rather than human beings they interact with, an object of seduction rather than an identity with various capabilities.

Anyhow, it is needless to say that women are not merely an object of sex, and their lives in their different faces are not dominated by sex.

Unfortunately, some people view women from this perspective; they deprive them of the right of learning, creation and participation in the process of the evolution of man’s life.

A Woman is a Human Being, by all means.

The fact that obliges us is to prepare her for the process of positive human evolution. Also, men’s humanity obliges us to prepare them for establishing a life rich that includes knowledge, activity and openness to creation.

Viewing the matter from the moral perspective, we have to make a thorough study of the cooperation between men and women in founding the basis of morals at the sexual, social, and political levels. Both share this responsibility; especially in the action and reaction. In this sense, we have to reform both of them, plan for the construction of their mentality which is supposed to be open to integration & balance rather than exploitation, and based on the various positive values of each other; not on power & weakness.

Deviating from the right way is to ignore the responsibility of either of them.

deborah-tindle-29God created women from the deep self of men and maintained affection and mercy between them. Women have rights & duties, and if men are superior to them, they are so because of the various organizational roles men tend to play.

By creating us (the human race) in this way, God wanted us to lead a life filled with affection and mercy so that the marital experience, as a distinct human relationship, could be the beginning of a great experience of an intimate relationship, based on ‘mutual‘ respect.

Consequently, man is not supposed to abuse his right and role. An ideal marital relation occurs if both spouses accept each other mentally and emotionally. Mutual respect & understanding help to maintain harmony between their thinking; with affection and love, their feelings will blend.

As affection has its mental and emotional dimensions, mercy has its intellectual and practical ones. In the light of these facts, we can see a new woman as a female, mother & human in both creativity & responsibility. We can also see a new man as a male, father, and human – a man who accepts woman’s superiority and creativity and a woman who accepts man’s creativity in what he excels.


By accepting each other, all the matter will be a competition for the sake of perfection & life.

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[Edit by A Celebration of Women™ ]


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