Mother’s Day is three days away…
Flowers will not last a week but the impact of helping to support the transformation of a girl has a lasting effect for generations to come.
There are few greater gifts to be given than investing in the future of a girl!
This Mother’s Day, you can dramatically change the lives of thousands of girls in Nigeria. In the northern regions of the country, nearly half of all girls are forced into marriages by the age of 15. Most of these girls are denied an education.
Only 2 percent of married girls attend school, compared to 69 percent of unmarried girls. Three out of four married girls cannot read at all.
Honor the special women in your life by supporting the work of IWHC partner INCRESE to prevent early and forced marriage in Nigeria. INCRESE provides girls with necessary life skills and educates parents about the harms of child marriage.
To support INCRESE directly, donate to IWHC’s campaign on GlobalGiving. Your loved one(s) will receive a personalized card in electronic or paper form.
Click here to send your card today!
Mother’s Day is three days away, Take Action for Lasting Effects!
May 9, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AFRICA, CA-- USES, Uncategorized, WOMEN Taking ACTION, YOUTH of ACTION™ Tagged With: Africa, African girls, educate girls, girls, global education, International Women's Health Coalition, IWHC, Maternal health, Mother's Day is three days away, Nigeria, Nigerian girls, stop child marriage, Take Action, Take Action for Lasting Effects!, women taking action, Women's Health
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